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Persimmon Marsh  掲示板


Dear my overseas friends who are fond of spring and great music.
 The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be done after my breakfast Japan time.
 Spring is just around the corner in Japan. You can see this change the season by the swelling of the plum buds. This morning they have not yet bloomed in my garden, so there is already a one step. Still, the petals inside the buds are starting to look red, so it looks like two or three flowers will bloom this afternoon or tomorrow morning. All I can help her is water them.
 Meanwhile, the Kaffir lily I'm raising in the warm hallway has lots of bud just like jostling against each other to warm, and they are just about to start blooming. We can recognize when the season is changing from mid-winter to early spring by the progress of the plants. Today in Gumma Prefecture, sunrise was at 6:51 and sunset will be at 5:01, so the daylight hours are 10 hours and 10 minutes. Incidentally, the daylight hour on the winter solstice was 9 hours and 41 minutes, so the daylight hours have already increased by 30 minutes.
 On the other hand, I, a human who tends to stay shut up in my house, would like to somehow step out of my shell, even if just a step or two like a plant, and experience new ways of looking at things and new fields. How can I acquire the ability to continue trying new things? Perhaps I should create a "situation from which I cannot turn back" and put myself there.
 As you know I write English compositions every day, using a Japanese-English dictionary through Facebook, and since I have been composing it for several years, I am now in a "situation from which I cannot turn back." I overslept a little this morning, but I will now try to express the above sentence in English. Actually, my English compositions are checked daily by Mr. Barry Spence and his daughter Ms. Sarah, who used to stay at my home from New Zealand as the AET of Takasaki High School Of Commerce.

2025年1月24日 (金)


 It was a warm day today, so I went to relax at the Ushibuse Dream Center day spa in Yoshii-town. This spa is run by Takasaki City, so my fee is 200 yen depending on age. we don't find such cheap spars anywhere these days. There's also a sauna.
I have a pleasant memory of staying night here a long time ago, when a social gathering with parents of the Takasaki High School of commerce baseball team was held.
 I'd like to stay night there someday. However, the surrounding is only nature, where deer and bears may appear, so that I have to go to the downtown of Yoshii-town to play. It's boring going alone. I hope something like this will happen in the near future.


Dear my overseas friends who are crazy about nature and great music.
 The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be done after my breakfast Japan time.
 As you can see in the left photo, the weight of the snow that fell last winter split branch in the middle of the crape myrtle. I left it as it was for a while, but in May the tip of the branch turned green, so I was impressed by its incredible vitality.
 However, leaving it to split is painful to see, and I felt that it might die, so I tied the two sides of the split branch together and wrapped it tightly with gardening string, as shown in the right photo. Then, eight months later, yesterday, when it looked like the tops were touching, I decided to untie the string, surprisingly the two sides have beautifully stuck together, repairing it to form a single branch. I am impressed by the crape myrtle's ability to heal. We should do have a try without giving up.
 Originally I planted this crape myrtle as a memorial tree of my granddaughter's birth. I am the type of person who gives up easily, but this time I refused to give up and tried to fix it by the string, as the result it was a success. So I will not give up on things in the future, including my life as well. As the kanji for crape myrtle suggests, it is a mysterious plant that blooms for a long period of time, about 100 days, from early July to mid-October.
 Currently, this crape myrtle has grown to be one of the largest in my Kuragano-town, measuring about 6m from end to end of its branches, and, as you would expect from a tropical tree, it makes a large shade. I water it throughout the year and prune any excess branches, paying careful attention to the shape of the tree. In summer, the passionate bright red flowers bloom. Please come and see it, if possible, with listening to my piano performance.

2025年1月23日 (木)


Dear my overseas friends who are crazy about nature and great music.
 The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be done after my breakfast Japan time.
Dear my overseas friends who is thinking about real way of health
 As you noticed, time flies, and there is only one week left in January. You can clearly see that the sun is getting longer in the evenings in Northern Hemisphere. The earliest sunset was around December 8th at 16:28 [Gumma Prefecture, Japan], but today, January 23rd, the sunset will be 17:00. On the other hand, the sunrise time was only about 5 minutes earlier this morning compared to the date which was 6:56 on January 9th. 
 In such a natural environment, the plum in the garden [pictured is a tree with bicolored, red and white, variety name is Omoi no mama] look like they are about to bloom. Plants are properly aware of the increase in daylight hours. I myself had a New Year's party last night, the same as plants, I realize that it was still dim when I arrived at my destination of tavern maned Buku in Takasaki-city.
 Not change the subject, but for me, who has already lost half of my siblings, my spouse, and three close friends. Therefore what I am most concerned about in the New Year is how to maintain "truly correct way of health." The world is often confusing, so that we have to challenge to make the right judgments about what is truly beneficial for our health.
 One such pitfall is the various "supplements." These artificial products contain a variety of ingredients. I believe that regular use can have a negative effect on my liver. Fortunately, my liver values ​​are within the normal range at the moment, so I am trying to keep them from now on, and my prostate PSA is also quite low like a young man , so I need to keep it that way. I will appreciate your guidance in the future, as I need to eat a nutritionally balanced diet, exercise moderately through walking, maintain muscle mass, and improve my skills at imagination, creativity, and sociability. As a matter of fact, I am approaching the age where senile dementia prevention is indispensable. 

2025年1月22日 (水)


Dear my overseas friends who are crazy about nature and great music.
 The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be done after my breakfast Japan time.
 I took a photo of the waning moon of 23 in phase, early in the morning today [when the moon sets in the western sky, the moon's string is at its lowest], and two mysterious streaks can be seen in the upper left of the moon's surface. Please enlarge the image. This is the same as the sunset on Earth, because the sunlight hits it from the side, the plains are already dark, so that only the high mountain ranges are lighted. Similarly, you can see a dark part in the lower bottom of the craters.
 Considering this, if humans will live on the moon in the future, one day will last one month, and about 15 days will be day and the other half will be night, which will be a huge difference in temperature. However, if we think about it, the same thing is happening on our Earth. In the North and South Poles, it is day for half the year [present day in Antarctica] and night for the other half. It is currently daytime at Japanese Showa Base where the Antarctic Research Expedition is located. During the six months of night, the Southern Cross will rotate once a day overhead, moving clockwise exactly.
 Incidentally, I am located at 36 degrees north latitude and 139 degrees east longitude in Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture, Japan. Therefore I live in the temperate zone of the earth, where we experience four seasons and it is a very comfortable place to live. If we lived closer to the equator, it would be scorching hot all year round, on the other hand, if I lived closer to the Arctic Circle, it would be excessively cold all year round.
 I am fortunate to be able to enjoy the changes in nature caused by the four seasons, and in my garden, the red plum is expected to bloom today or tomorrow. Today I will be exercising and tending to plants outdoors during the day, reading a book and practicing the piano inside, and there will be a second New Year's party in the evening, so it looks like it will be a fulfilling day.

2025年1月21日 (火)


 In the morning, I sipped a rare cup of Darjeeling tea at Sampo-michi, reminiscing about the India of my youth. Darjeeling is relatively close by my residence at that time.
 Since I was going to the Sanbo-michi alone, I read Ms. Sono Ayako's "The Wisdom of Aging" again today. This book is great at writing about the mindset that human should have as getting older, and I hope to be closer to her way of life in my daily life from now on. The idea is to "have a spirit of independence, without expecting others to do things for me."


Dear my overseas friends who are crazy about nature and great music.
 The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be done after my breakfast Japan time.
 Even though it is the middle of the "Daikan" that means the most severely cold season, as you can see, the plants are already anticipating spring. The snow-covered mountain in the photo is "Mt. Hotaka" (2,158m above sea level) located in the northern part of Gumma Prefecture. Even though I have looked at this mountain almost every day since I was a child, I have only climbed to the top once in my life, so that human actions are surprisingly limited.
 Fortunately, I had two veteran mountaineers, Mr. O, and Mr. T who was an advisor for the high school mountaineering club, close to me. They took me to mountains both inside and outside Gumma prefecture, therefore I was able to experience the wonder of nature. Strangely enough, mountain climbing experiences leave a lasting impression on my mind. This is because we use our feet to achieve the goal as summit, after that the reward of the magnificent view from the summit is burned into our brain. In particular, Mr. O has climbed all 100 of Japan's famous mountains in his life, and what he taught me was "three-point securing" on steep slopes.
 In other words, three of our four limbs should always be in contact with rocks or trees, and the remaining one should be used to grab a new rock or tree. This allows me to move my body to a stable, higher position. Mr. T was a colleague at the same school named Maebashi High School so I knew him well. I learned about a carefree and cheerful way of life from him, and our friendship continued even after we retired. However, it is very sad that both of them have now passed away.
 For this reason, from now on I will walk on safe plains and climbing mainly low mountains where there are no bears. The forecast says that the temperature this week will be relatively high, so I would like to walk on my favorite bank of the Kabra River, keeping my back tense for posture reasons.

2025年1月20日 (月)


Dear my overseas friends who are crazy about world peace and great music
 I received a letter from a local resident in Inner Mongolia that one of the pigeons I kept had lost, crossed the Sea of ​​Japan, and flew to the mainland, then over the Great Wall of China, and to Inner Mongolia. My address, which I had put on the pigeon's leg, provided a clue. The photo was at that time featured in the Jomo Shimbun. I was young once, too.
 As the result, I went to see my pigeon. I flew from Narita Airport to Beijing, then I took a 10-hour transcontinental train from Beijing Station, and got off in a town called Jining in Inner Mongolia. Even though it was 2am, I was greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Zhang, who had been taking care of my pigeon that strayed into Inner Mongolia from my loft. The next morning, I was reunited with my pigeon at Mr. Zhang's house. The pigeon looked at me fondly. This place is 2500km away from Takasaki-city in a straight line.
 Thanks to the pigeon, I was able to enjoy a fun time in the round yurt of Inner Mongolia, and On many occasions, we toasted to the friendship between Japan and China that the pigeon of peace has brought about. At that moment, I felt really glad that I was able to drink alcohol. Thanks to China, I played the Chinese national anthem by the organ in the yurt. Then everyone in the yurt burst into applause.


 二十四節気では今日から「大寒」です。反時計回りに秒速約29kmで公転してる私たちの地球は黄道十二星座の「ふたご座」の方向を離れ、今度は「かに座」の方向に向かってます。紀元前には北回帰線がこの「かに座」の下にあったことに由来し、今でも北回帰線のことをthe Tropic of Cancerと言います。長い年月の間に地球の地軸がずれる歳差運動に因りこのような現象が起こってます。
Dear my overseas friends who are crazy about nature and great music.
 The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be done after my breakfast Japan time.
 According to the 24 solar calendar in Japan, today is the start of the "Daikan" that means Great Cold. As you know, our Earth is revolving counterclockwise at the speed about 29 km per second. It is now moving away from the direction of Gemini in the zodiac constellation and toward the constellation of Cancer. In the BC era, the Tropic of Cancer was under this constellation, so that even today, the Tropic of Cancer is still called the Tropic of Cancer. This phenomenon occurs due to the precession of the Earth's axis, which has shifted over the long years.
 As always, it is the coldest season in the year, but the peach and plum in the garden are swelling their buds more than ever, therefore spring is definitely approaching. The buds of the Kaffir lilies in the hallway were blue so far, but they have now turned red, and there are signs that they will bloom at the end of this month. The photo above shows a weeping peach tree. The seed fell and grew naturally in the garden, and the color of the flowers is pink, as the name suggests.
 Yesterday morning, I pruned this weeping peach tree, which already has buds, and when everyone will look at the shape of the tree, "What do you think of my aesthetic sensibilities?" I pruned it a little, looked at it from a distance, and pruned it again, taking into consideration the overall balance. On Girls' Festival (March 31st this year), peach will bloom all over these branches. As it is a flowering peach, it does not bear fruit.
 In fact, including this tree, there are five flowering peach trees, including the Genpei bicolored weeping peach, so following the blossoming of the plum trees, the spring garden will be full of flowers for a while. Please come and see. There is a parking lot and tea facilities in the garden. I look forward to seeing you.

2025年1月19日 (日)


Dear my overseas friends who are crazy about astronomy and great music.
 When I checked the garden this morning, the buds of the red plum have swelled considerably, but they haven't bloomed yet. They usually bloom by this time each year, so I'm sure they'll bloom next week. I'll upload a photo when they do. The first to bloom will be the variety of "Kagoshima," a passionate crimson.
 Today marks the end of the 24 solar terms of "Shokan". What on earth is "Shokan" that means little cold"?
 It refers to the Earth revolving counterclockwise, approaching a certain point in space on its orbit that is 940 million km (1 astronomical unit x 2π). If you look due south at midnight, you will see the constellation Gemini shining. At this time of year, a huge "Winter Diamond" made up of first-magnitude stars shines as if it were covering the Japanese archipelago. The upper left corner of this Diamond is "Gemini," and the Earth, carrying us, is currently in the direction of "Gemini." This is "Shokan" which is said in Japan.
 Meanwhile, it is currently the coldest season of the year in Japan. Tell me the reason for this?
 As you know, the Earth's axis is always tilted at about 23.5 degrees against the orbital plane. Currently, "the North Pole, the tip of the Earth's axis, is moving away from the Sun." As a result, the angle of the Sun in the Northern Hemisphere has decreased, and the angle of the Sun in my Gumma Prefecture at noon today is 31° against the horizon. By comparison, it is 77° around the summer solstice.
 Even if it's cold every day, it's important to move our bodies and improve blood circulation. Smooth blood flow will allow us to think of new things and bring vitality to our lives. My favorite coffee shop, Sampo-michi, is closed today and tomorrow, so I'll make some hot coffee at home and warm myself up from the inside. When it gets a little warmer during the day, I'd like to take care of the trees in the garden and go out into downtown in the afternoon.

2025年1月18日 (土)


Dear my overseas friends who are crazy about great scenery and great music.
 It's a beautiful sunny day in Gumma Prefecture today, with not a single cloud in the sky. That's why I warmed up in the afternoon at my favorite day spa, Yoshii Ushibuse Dream Center. Today is covered by atmospheric high pressure here, and the peaks of Gumma can be seen so clearly from high ground, which is probably one of the few days in the year. The photo shows Mt. Haruna as seen from Mt. Ushibuse. The summit of Mt. Ushibuse is probably the most scenic spot in Takasaki City, I guess.
 By the way, Mt. Haruna, which stands almost in the center of Japan, has many peaks, and I have climbed almost all of them with my deceased friend, and each one holds its own memories. From the summit, we can see the Mt. Tanigawa range and Mt. Hotaka to the north, Mt. Fuji to the south, and the active volcano Mt. Asama to the west, and to the east the Kanto Plain with the meandering Tone River into the distance.


 ドイツのルー(Wilhelm Roux1850-1924)は、現代のスポーツ科学やトレーニング科学の基礎となる考え方を提唱し、それは1、「筋肉は適度に使えば発達し」、2、「使わなければ萎縮(退化)し」、3、「過度に使えば損傷する。」というものです。これは、ルーの法則と呼ばれてます。
Dear my overseas friends who are crazy about nature and great music.
 The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be done after my breakfast Japan time.
 Wilhelm Roux (1850-1924) of Germany proposed the basic idea of ​​modern sports science and training science, which is: 1. "Muscles develop if used moderately," 2. "They atrophy (degenerate) if not used," and 3. "They are damaged if used excessively." This is called Roux's Law.
 In Japan, which is entering a super-aging society, we should especially keep in mind Roux's Law 2, "Muscles atrophy (degenerate) if not used." Our muscles weaken from the legs year by year, so conversely, consciously training the legs is considered the first step to anti-aging.
 On the other hand, strangely enough, while walking, blood circulation throughout the body improves and blood circulation in the brain also becomes smoother, so we often feel that walking allows us to think about various things in our heads. In modern society, elevators and escalators are becoming increasingly mechanized even in public facilities such as department stores and stations. Also, even if it is close by, we tend to go by car instead of walking.
 For this reason, even as I get older (?), whenever I come across a staircase like the photo, I go up and down it about 10 times. Going up and down stairs may be simple, but there is nothing more effective for training the muscles in the lower body. For the upper body, dumbbells, and the "teppou" exercises performed by sumo wrestlers are part of my daily life. These exercises strengthen the upper body's shoulders, arms and back, and these don't injure my fingers due to my playing the piano. "Lou's Law applies to everyone, regardless of age or gender."

2025年1月17日 (金)


 I just relaxed over a hot coffee at my favorite cafe named "Sampo-michi." It was still early so there were no customers except for me there and I was able to play a few music by the piano.
 As you know, today, on January 17th, the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake was occurred 30 years ago, so I played "Hana wa Saku," which was composed for the Great Tohoku Earthquake, although in a different location. As it was very cold outside today, I then played the titled "Yuki ga Furu" that means snow fall, so I played the piano about 10 minutes totally.
 What I've been feeling lately about the piano, officially the "pianoforte," is exactly as its name suggests, the tone quality and dynamics change depending on how much pressure or how little pressure I apply to the piano with my "whole body," as the result, I am able to express myself as my feeling.


Dear my overseas friends who are interested in Nature and great music.
 The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be done after my breakfast Japan time.
 At the end of last year, I went to the Kabra River in Kibe-town, Takasaki City, Gumma prefecture to check if there were any Tundra swans flying in, but I couldn't see them. However, yesterday evening, when I saw about 10 white birds while walking along the bank of the Kabra River, I couldn't help but think to myself, "They really flew all the way here," and I felt relieved. I went to the riverbank, and they didn't try to run away, but instead they came close to me. Occasionally they put their heads in the riverbed, as if they were eating something. Among them are probably young Tundra swans that were born in Russia last year and followed their parents to fly here.
 By the way, where do the Tundra swans that fly to Japan come from? I imagined they came south from eastern Siberia or the Kamchatka Peninsula. So how far do they fly from there to Takasaki-city, Gumma Prefecture?
 As you know, it is about 10,000 km from the North Pole to the equator, so the distance of 1° is about 10,000 km ÷ 90° = 111 km. The central part of the Kamchatka Peninsula situates at 55° north latitude, and Takasaki-City, Gumma Prefecture situates at 36° north latitude, so the difference in latitude between the two places is 55°-36°=19°. The distance of 1° is 111km, so 19° x 111km = 2109km. However, in reality, the Kamchatka Peninsula situates far east of Japan, so the calculation would normally be used spherical trigonometry, like measuring the distance of pigeon racing. For this reason, their actual flight distance is thought to be at least 3000km or more.
 Between the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Japanese archipelago, there are many Kuril Islands lined up in a bow shape, and the Tundra swans probably took a rest on these islands while heading for Japan over many days, and finally arrived at their destination, Takasaki-city. They flew such a long distance using only their own wings, so they have incredible stamina. They must have encountered bad weather and birds of prey along the way. It's nothing compared to the distance of my walking. Following the example of the Tundra swans, I will continue to train my physical and mental strength.

2025年1月16日 (木)


Dear my overseas friends who are interested in nature and great music.
 Today, after the patrol for the children of Kuragano Elementary School was over at around 4pm, I walked along the bank of Kibe-town which is one of my favorite courses, with basking in the sunset. In the distance, volcanic smoke was rising quite high from the summit of Mt. Asama [1568m above sea level]. It's a rare sight these days.
 When I was in junior high school, there was a big eruption that smoked up to about 5000m, and 30 minutes later, volcanic ash fell on my Kuragano-town with a rustling sound.
 Today was a clear day with no wind so I was easy walking, but the temperature was low. As usual, I practiced the breathing technique of exhaling every four steps and inhaling every four steps. After that, I went down to the bank of the Kabra River. To my surprise. about 10 swans, probably from Siberia, and about 200 migratory ducks were resting, so that it was a very peaceful and tranquil atmosphere. I will post these photos tomorrow.


Dear my overseas friends who are interested in Nature and great music.
 The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be done after my breakfast Japan time.
 This winter has been particularly cold even in Gumma Prefecture. However, the plants in my garden are like "I'm the first to see spring," and the Kaffir Lily has finally shown her buds between the leaves, which is a ray of hope for me. The buds of the red plum (variety name: Kagoshima) and the andromeda in my garden are swelling day by day, but which one will bloom first?
 Meanwhile, when I woke up this morning, I was surprised for the first time this year. With Trump's inauguration as president of USA tomorrow, the American economy has responded greatly, with the New York Dow rising by +703 dollars and the Nasdaq also rising by +466 points, this is an unprecedented surge. Will this have an impact on the Japanese economy, which is already cooling off due to rising prices? My bill at the supermarket every day to buy food has increased by 120% than before.
 In the cold climate and the harsh economic situation, no matter what the era, we humans must live with hope, just like plants showing buds. I especially hope to be of some use for "children with a bright future." However, because I live far away from my daughter's children, I am unable to be of direct use on a daily basis, which is lonesome.
 Today is the day to provide traffic guidance to the children of the local Kuragano Elementary School as they return home from school. With the slogan "Let's build a future for children together with you," I wear yellow uniform to road safety, we are also participating in a greeting campaign and interacting with the neighborhood children.

2025年1月15日 (水)


Dear my overseas friends who are interested in nature and great music
 I have loved persimmons since I was little, and since the persimmons in my garden are finished, I bought some at the supermarket, but, this is unusual for me. I will eat it as a dessert for lunch, and they were quite large. I ate one, and it was not astringent, but delicious. Upon researching, I found that persimmons contain nutrients such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, tannins, and potassium, which are thought to have antioxidant properties and are effective for hypertension.
 Not change the subject, but to increase our English vocabulary, it is not enough to just read English sentences at a desk, but to learn by looking at the real things, and saying it, and using it in daily life, which is similar to the way that small children learn words.
 For example, when I see a persimmon, I want to be able to say in English the following: "calyx", "astringent", "to peel," "to take out the seed or pip," and "ellipsoid".
 In this way, in addition to looking up English words in the English-Japanese dictionary, at the same time, we want to be able to say things in front of us in real life. A Japanese-English dictionary is extremely useful for Japanese people. After that, we check the words in writing, connect them to real life, and acquire English vocabulary.

2025年1月14日 (火)


Dear my overseas friends who are interested in Nature and great music.
 I apologize for taking pictures of the moon every night. Tonight is the first full moon of this year 2025. However, there is no celestial body closer to the Earth than the moon. That said, the distance from the Earth is about 380,000 km. To realize this distance, it is easier to understand by comparing it to the current mileage of your car. The longest distance I have driven is 260,000 km by Isuzu 117 Coupe of my adolescence. It is about two-thirds of the distance to the Moon.
 By the way, if you look at the Earth now from the edge of the Moon's circumference, how would it look? Imagine that.
 The answer is that the Sun is so bright that we can't see the Earth at all. [This is just my imagination.] The reason is that when viewed from the Moon, the Sun shines close to the Earth. However, the Earth would be visible unless it was a full moon. In that case, when you look at the Earth from the edge of the Moon, it would always be visible on the horizon, I guess. The star you can see tonight above the moon is Mars. Even so, just like in this photo, the Earth we live on is floating in the dark universe.


Dear my overseas friends who are interested in Nature and great music.
 The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be done after my breakfast Japan time.
※It's a long sentence, so I'll only translate the main points.
 Yesterday, I went to listen to an ensemble party held at the Mikabo Mirai Hall in Fujioka City. The Mikabo Mirai Hall is built on a hill, and as you can see, it is on a hilltop with a panoramic view of Gumma, including the well-known three mountains of Gumma prefecture. So for me, who loves nature and music, it is a very comfortable space.
 The performance began with a horn quintet. The harmony of two men and three women reverberated throughout the room with a heavy, warm tone, and I was enveloped in live harmony. Everyone must be devoting themselves to the horn from usual. I could sense their enthusiasm from their serious expressions while they were playing. Similarly, the "Takasaki Sisters" trio for two alto-saxophones and piano was a real pleasure for me, as I usually play the soprano saxophone. As the concert was named as the ensemble party, the humorous talks by the performers during the concert lightened the mood of the venue. I wonder if she is the third daughter.
 The clarinet quintet performed J. Strauss's "Die Fledermaus" featured a beautiful melody, and the bass clarinet's profound sound and movement enveloped the entire performance, giving the impression that musical beauty is achieved through harmony and counterpoint. The trumpet quartet performed by four ladies shone with youthful gaiety and harmony, conveying to the audience the youth that is normally associated with the trumpet which is the bright personality as unique to this instrument, and the fact that the performers were enjoying themselves to the fullest.
 The string ensemble of 13 members of the "New Mikabo Strings" must be fellow orchestra members on a regular basis, I guess. The famous Viverdy's "Spring" was filled with a lively tempo and made me feel excited. Even though it is the middle of winter, their performance gives me hope that spring, both in season and in life, will surely come. I felt that music is a "Cry from the soul." I have listened to the double bass player Ms. N's ​​performances many times, and I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to talk with her this time.

2025年1月13日 (月)


Dear my overseas friends who are crazy about nature and great music
 This is perhaps to be predicted in this season of the year, but I was truly surprised to see the moon. As you know, the sun sets quite close to the southwest recently, and the full moon, which is in the opposite position, also rises in a position close to the northeast. This is not normal through the year. Tonight the moon officially rose 55° from due north. The star just to the lower left of the moon is Mars.
 By the way, this afternoon I attended the "ensemble party," and was reminded that ensembles [chamber music by several instrumentalists] are a way for both listeners and performers to truly enjoy music. My FB friend Ms. Naoko is an active pianist and violinist, who is a rare dual-skill in the music world. I would like to write about my impressions of listening to "Ensemble Party" tomorrow.


Dear my overseas friends who are interested in Nature and great music.
 The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be done after my breakfast Japan time.
 The northern part of Gumma Prefecture is mountainous, so its climate is on the Sea of ​​Japan side, so that the Fujiwara district is currently experiencing heavy snowfall. On the other hand, the southern part where I live is in the westernmost part of the Kanto Plain, therefore its climate is on the Pacific side. The dry winds that are a specialty of Gumma prefecture sometimes blow hard, so I feel this winter particularly cold. Also, since around November, it has hardly rained, so it has been dry.
 Because of this phenomenon, I am busy taking care of about 100 plants in the garden every day, but, I am having trouble giving them water. This is because I give the plants well water, not tap water. The well finally dried up the other day, and although it rained once afterwards, but it seems that the water did not seep into the ground very well, so that even when I turned the faucet, the water had no force, and eventually it stopped coming out altogether. Currently, I am waiting for the groundwater to rise naturally. However, the plants do not need much water in winter, so they will not die, I guess.
 The Kaffir Lily and Hibiscus that spend the winter inside the house, as well as some of Western Rhododendrons, are given tap water, so there is no need to worry about them. The kaffir lily's buds usually form in mid-January, so I am excited that it will be born soon.
 Not change the subject, but why am I so fascinated with growing plants day after day? When I think about it, there are three reasons. Perhaps the genes of my late parents, who filled their garden with flowers, are revived in me today. Another reason is that I personally consider the colorful flowering of plants to be "One of arts." In addition to that, I have a "desire for health" with living in the midst of a forest where photosynthesis is thriving.

2025年1月12日 (日)


Dear my overseas friends who are crazy about nature and great music
 According to the twenty-four solar calendar, Daikan will be followed by Shohkan, but sunset has already become later more than 20 minutes, and sunrise has gotten earlier than before. The plants in the garden have sensed this increase in daylight hours, and their buds are swelling day by day. I water them from time to time.
 The top photo shows a white magnolia tree, which blooms tearfully white in March during the season of farewell. The bottom left is a bright red Kohbai (Japanese plum), a variety name is called Kagoshima, which usually blooms at the end of this month. It is planted by me in the entrance of the garden so that people passing by on the way in front can enjoy it. The bottom right is also a flowering plum, with a deep pink color. Both will bloom soon, so please come and see them without hesitation. All five flowering plum trees bloom from the end of February to March, so the area is called the "Kakki Plum Grove."
 This winter has been particularly cold, but we can see that nature is already heading towards spring. It is a time of year when we are liable to getting sick, but let's be active against the cold and get through it. I am looking forward to tomorrow's "ensemble party."


Dear my overseas friends who are interested in Nature and great music.
 The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be done after my breakfast Japan time.
 I took this photo at the summit of Mt. Tsunoochi (1,393m above sea level) in western Gumma Prefecture, which I had previously climbed with a couple of my neighborhood. Right in front of me was a perpendicular cliff about 200m deep. And the sharp mountain I could see in the distance, photographed from the top of the cliff, was Mt. Asamakakushi (1,757m above sea level). I remember climbing Mt. Asamakakushi twice later. Both mountains were quite steep and took a long time to climb the summit. I learned that even if it was difficult to climb, it meant that I was rewarded with a splendid panoramic view later.
 Similarly, my current situation of "living alone" may be similar to this "mid-way mountain climbing" situation. This can be considered an adversity in my life. Will I be able to see the panorama in the near future?
 Not change the subject, but speaking of adversity, it is said that many Swiss people can speak several languages. We tend to think that they have an amazing talent for languages. However, it seems that Swiss people think how lucky Japanese people can live their whole lives in Japan using only Japanese. As you know, Switzerland is surrounded by countries with different languages. Therefore this adversity probably forces Swiss people to use several foreign languages ​​in their daily lives.
 What we can learn from this situation is that in order to "seriously achieve a purpose," we too must face this adversity and truly feel the need to do so, just like the Swiss people. For this reason, we can say that in any field, we must be prepared to "consciously impose the need on ourselves." For now, I make it a daily habit to consult a Japanese-English dictionary in order to communicate in English with foreigners through Facebook and weblog. However, the most indispensable thing is whether or not there is something I want to say to the other person.
https://ttsreader.com/ja/... 【上の英文をネイティヴの発音で聴きたいときは英文をコピーし、ここに貼り付けてください。】

2025年1月11日 (土)


Dear my overseas friends who are interested in Nature and great music.
 The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be done after my breakfast Japan time.
 The photo shows one of my favorite walking courses, east of Kibe-town, Takasaki City, where the Kabra River and Karasu River merges. In place like this, there is no burden on our mind, and even an adult like me can naturally walk forward. Especially for children who have a brilliant future, it is our role as adults to create an circumstance where they can start easily on anything right away. It is truly "Let's create the future of children together with you."
 Yesterday was the end of my morning patrol at the beginning of the new semester, so that I was relieved to have a leisurely breakfast today. I am scheduled to patrol at returning hour from school on Thursday, January 16th. Also, Today's morning is the "waste collection" day in Kuragano-Kami-4th district, which is held once every two months, and we collect a large amount of non-burnable waste from many homes and worked together with about 15 other people to sort and load it onto a contractor's truck. Like this, by participating in local work, I have more opportunities to talk with my peers, which I think is very good for both of my mental and health.
 This is a different topic, but as you know, life can be divided into three major periods. The first is from birth to school years, which is the period when we choose a career that suits us, and when everyone takes exams with a purpose in mind. The second is about 40 years of working in a job, such as working for a company. In fact, the third period, which surely comes next, is the long 30 to 40 years after retirement, and this is the period when we should live our life in a way that is true to ourselves and that we are satisfied with it.
 Generally, we are in an era of 100-year lifespans. With the idea that a new life will begin again after retirement, we should have a concrete plan for how we will live our life. Living everyday without a purpose is outrageous, and the important thing is not to think of ourselves as a mere consumer, but to contribute to society as a producer with some skills, and to have the ideal purpose in life into practice every day. I am of the opinion that if we turn the clock back to zero in a field, we should take on a challenge against our ultimate purpose that our interesting fields, our third of life will be very fulfilling beyond description.

2025年1月10日 (金)


Img_6704_20250110165501 Img_6703
Dear my overseas friends who are interested in health of nose and great music
 Since the third semester started in school, I have been wearing a yellow uniform and patrolling the local Kuragano-Elementary-School when the children go to school. Would you please imagine my yellow figure. As I walk along the school route, I exchange greetings and words, while wishing for the safety of the children first, and also taking measures against suspicious people at any time.
 On the other hand, the number of newly built houses in the area has increased rapidly, and as a result, the number of cars on the school route in the morning has increased more than before. In proportion to this phenomenon, the number of vacant houses has also increased. I have been patrolling on the way to and from school for about 15 years so far, and I can feel that the local community is changing year by year. When I patrol, I walk about 2 kilometers before breakfast, which is good for my health and makes me hungry, so breakfast tastes better. It's delicious even when eaten alone.
 Changing the subject, yesterday I bought the salt in the photo. It was cheap at 108 yen, and I can use it during a year. The lady at the register asked me, "Are you going to use it for pickles?" then I answered, "For health reasons, I have never bought salt and sugar as food." For this reason, I explained to her the following.
 Actually, I put a spoonful of salt in 500cc of lukewarm water and use it to wash my nose. As you know, the salt content of our blood is 0.9%. Because the inside of the nose is made up of capillaries, so that washing the nose with the same concentration as blood doesn't hurt at all. I think there is nothing more important for lung health than breathing through the nose. I have been washing my nose by this way after waking up for about 30 years so far.


Dear my overseas friends who are interested in health of nose and great music. 
 Since the third semester started in school, I have been wearing a yellow uniform and patrolling the local Kuragano-Elementary- School when the children go to school. Would you please imagine my yellow figure. As I walk along the school route, I exchange greetings and words, while wishing for the safety of the children first, and also taking measures against suspicious people at any time.
 On the other hand, the number of newly built houses in the area has increased rapidly, and as a result, the number of cars on the school route in the morning has increased more than before. In proportion to this phenomenon, the number of vacant houses has also increased. I have been patrolling on the way to and from school for about 15 years so far, and I can feel that the local community is changing year by year. When I patrol, I walk about 2 kilometers before breakfast, which is good for my health and makes me hungry, so breakfast tastes better.
 Changing the subject, yesterday I bought the salt in the photo. It was cheap at 108 yen, and I can use it during a year. The lady at the register asked me, "Are you going to use it for pickles?" then I answered, "For health reasons, I have never bought salt and sugar as food." For this reason, I explained to her the following.
 Actually, I put a spoonful of salt in 500cc of lukewarm water and use it to wash my nose. As you know, the salt content of our blood is 0.9%. Because the inside of the nose is made up of capillaries, so that washing the nose with the same concentration as blood doesn't hurt at all. I think there is nothing more important for lung health than breathing through the nose. I have been washing my nose by this way after waking up for about 30 years so far.

2025年1月 9日 (木)


Dear my overseas friends who are interested in nature of earth and great music.
 Everyone, today is really cold with high atmospheric pressure in the west and low atmospheric pressure in the east. As for the latest sunrise time, since January 3rd to today, January 9th, was 6:56am [Gumma Prefecture]. However, the good news for you is that the movement of the earth will change from tomorrow morning, and sunrise will change to 6:55am. Even though it's cold, spring is definitely approaching as your expectation. From tomorrow, sunrise will get earlier day by day, and on "Risshun" that means the first day of spring of February 3rd, it will be 6:44am.
 On the other hand, you may have noticed that the sunset has already been getting later. The earliest sunset time was from December 4th to December 8th, at 4:28pm in Gumma prefecture. Today, January 9th, the sun set at 4:46pm, so the sun has already been getting later by 18 minutes. From now on, the sunset will get later day by day, and on the first day of spring on February 3rd, it will be 5:12pm, which is 44 minutes longer than the sunset in early December.
 Not change the subject, but tonight's moon is a waxing moon, and is already high in the sky. Take a look. Jupiter shines close to the moon, and in contrast, Venus shines in the southwestern sky. Furthermore, when tonight's moon sets in the western sky, it will be at the top of its crescent, so it is a waxing moon. Even so, the surface of the moon is similar to the face of my adolescence.


Dear my overseas friends who are interested in Nature and great music.
 The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be done after my breakfast Japan time.
 One of the "Seven Wonders of Kuragano-Town" that I consider to be the giant Zelkova tree in the photo has a hole about 50cm in diameter about 10m above ground. I once asked the owner, Mr. M, why this hole was opened. He simply said, "It's been a hole for a long time." He passed away recently, so that the meaning of this hole has become even more of a mystery in Kuragano-Town.
 This Zelkova tree, estimated to be about 500 years old, is probably the tallest in Kuragano-town, I guess and all of its branches are as thick as the trunks of ordinary trees. Because of this, in spring it is covered with green leaves, and in summer, the sound of several thousand cicadas can be heard to my house which is about 400m away.
 When I observe closely, the top of the hole seems to be stuck together unnaturally. However, could it have been opened by some external factors? According to my parents, during the World War Ⅱ, Kuragano-town was in a terrible condition, with incendiary bombs being dropped and fires was breaking out everywhere. Perhaps this giant tree experienced the war, so that, if possible, this hole as a scar may warn us future generations that humans must never wage war.
 In any case, it is true that for a long period since the early Edo period, this zelkova tree has been exposed to the forces of nature, such as strong winds, heavy rains, snows and thunder, and has watched the repeated human battles in Kuragano-town from its high position. It has overcome this adversity and continues to grow even today. This zelkova tree is located near the gymnasium of Kuragano Elementary School.
 Although I am nothing compared to this giant tree, I have also been living alone for 20 years and have endured the adversity of this situation. However, I would like to follow the example of this giant tree and live a strong life mentally without worrying or relying on my two daughters. Will I be okay? I just want to make lots of friends, of course, including a sweetheart.

2025年1月 8日 (水)


Dear my overseas friends who are crazy about nature and great music
 There is only one human in my house, but dozens of wild birds fly in my garden. The Round Leaf Holly which sounds similar to Kuragano-town where I live, was still full of red berries in mid-December last year, but they must have been delicious for wild birds. After the new year, as you can see, they were all eaten up.
 I feel a little sad, but I had appreciated enough of them in late autumn last year, so I have no regrets. On the contrary, the Round Leaf Holly will grow even more year by year and bear even more berries, I guess. And one day in the future there will be so many red berries that the wild birds will not be able to eat them all.
 Essentially, humans and wild birds have the same destiny as living in this world. They are kept alive by food and water, and wild birds sing with beautiful voices. I will try to play the piano with beautiful sounds without losing.


Dear my overseas friends who are interested in Nature and great music.
 The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be done after my breakfast Japan time.
 I had two photos of myself when I was little, but this is the only one that remains still now. The other was taken when I was 40 days old in my mother's arms, but it was a long time ago therefore it has now disappeared somewhere.
 This photo was taken in front of my house, apparently during a festival in Kuragano-Town. My family was a hardware store and our store name was "Haramichiya." So the characters written on my right chest are "Haramichiya." I was probably about three years old, and I was pure and innocent (?) at that time. Now, decades later, I'm living alone and feeling lonely every day. We never know what life is.
 Not change the subject, but I had a full schedule all day yesterday, and everything went according to plan. In particular, last night I had a New Year's party with my blog commentator named "Next to the Clock Shop" at my favorite tavern "Baku," and for the first time in a long time, I was free from the usual feeling of loneliness. As it happened, his submission was published in the Jomo Newspaper yesterday, so we had a great time together more than sense of humor, laughing the whole time. I had been catching cold a bit, but laughter is good for our health, and I feel much better this morning.
 For this reason, I patrol the local Kuragano Elementary School when the children go to school. I will patrol as a priority in the greeting campaign and trying to interact with the children as much as possible.

2025年1月 7日 (火)


Dear my friends who are crazy about your this year's purpose and great music.
 This afternoon, I went to my favorite cafe "Sampo-michi". First, I wished the owner a Happy New Year and prayed for remarkable progress for Sampo-michi, due to the second year since the cafe opened. I received a hot coffee.
 After a while, I played Japanese famous song named "January 1st" on the piano, and then I played the owner's high school song. She must have been listening to it for the first time in a while. She looked so happy. It must have brought back memories of her adolescence. I've known it for a long time ago because my older sisters used to sing it.
 Whenever I visited here alone, I always take a book with me. Sampo-michi is surrounded by vast nature, so that I can immerse myself in a book while sipping hot coffee. I plan to go there about twice a week this year.






 カレンダーは、月、週、日、曜日で構成され、日付や予定の確認に便利ものだ。一方、「暦」は文化的要素が強く①祝祭日②吉凶を示す六曜(大安・仏滅など)③季節の移り変わりを示す二十四節気(大寒、啓蟄、大暑、白露など)④節分、 彼岸、八十八夜、土用などの雑節が記載されている。






Dear my overseas friends who are interested in Nature and great music.
 The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be done after my breakfast Japan time.
 Today, January 7th, the third semester begins at the local Kuragano-Elementary and Junior High School. For this reason, during one week, every morning from 7:30 a.m., I will walk the route to school for traffic guidance and a greeting campaign. After that, it's time for breakfast. I'm sure it's cold, but I will do for the children who have the brilliant future.
 Many children walk to school with chatting happily with their friends, but some children walk to school alone. I talk to both, but I always talk to children who is walking alone, for example, by asking, "Did you enjoy your winter break?" I want them to realize that they are not alone in society.
 Incidentally, even in adult society, it is said that Japanese people are relatively poor at expressing themselves at conversation and generally do not have much of a sense of humor. In my limited experience, both in Inner Mongolia where I went alone to meet my pigeon that strayed into Inner Mongolia, and in India as a teacher of Japanese school, I felt that humor was an important and indispensable element in everyday conversations and interactions. Generally speaking, if we don't laugh at least once every five minutes in a conversation with foreigners, people there will question whether I am truly seeking friendship or not.
 As an island nation, Japanese people have had little contact with foreigners since ancient time, and although they may tend to feel that "facial expressions are more important than words," we should to communicate clearly and hone our sense of humor to build friendly relationships. In fact, I have a busy schedule today, starting with traffic instruction in the morning, receiving guidance on future economic trends at a securities company near the Takasaki-station in the morning, going to the "Sambo-michi" cafe for the first time in this year in the afternoon, and then having a "New Year's party" with friends in the down town of Takasaki-city in the evening. I want to have fun wherever I am.

2025年1月 6日 (月)


Dear my overseas friends who are interested in Nature and great music.
 The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be done after my breakfast Japan time.
 According to the twenty-four solar terms in Japan, the period from January 5th to January 19th is "Shokan" that means little cold. The Earth which is carrying us, revolves around the sun in a slightly elliptical orbit of about 940 million km, moving counterclockwise from the North Star side at a speed of about 29 km per second over one year. At the same time, the earth rotates counterclockwise from the North Star side over 24 hours.
 By the way, where exactly is the Earth moving at this season of year? Also, why is it cold at this time of year?
 However, there are no landmarks in space like on the ground, and instead, the "12 Zodiacal Constellations" surrounding the solar system are used as landmarks. For this reason, we can understand the current position of the Earth by these constellations. The answer is to observe the "constellations shining due south at midnight" to find out the current position of the Earth on its orbit.
 By the way, at this time of year, a huge "Winter Diamond" shines all night long, as if it is covering the Japanese archipelago from dusk to dawn. When I first saw this "Winter Diamond" by my own eyes, I was really impressed by its vastness in the sky.
 The "Winter Diamond" is made up of all first magnitude stars, including the brightest first magnitude star Sirius, Rigel in Orion, and Aldebaran in Taurus. In fact, the constellation Gemini is in the upper left corner of this diamond, and the Earth is currently in the direction of Gemini. The center is the first magnitude stars Polyx and Castro in Gemini. If you look due south at midnight, you will find out that the Earth's current orbital position is in the direction of Gemini.
 On the other hand, the Earth's axis of rotation remains tilted at about 23.5 degrees relative to the orbital plane as it revolves. For this reason, when viewed from the ground, the solar altitude changes depending on the orbital position and seasons, resulting in temperature differences. Currently, the North Pole is far from the sun, so that the sun's altitude is lower in the Northern Hemisphere, it makes colder in Japan.

