The picture sent from the International Space Station at 5 o'clock this morning was New Zealand's North Island where my facebook friend Mr. Barry Spence and his daughter Ms. Serah live. It was 8:30 this morning at New Zealand time. He was an AET of Takasaki High School of Commerce, so we had interacted well every day and night. Of course or off course, we did "Bottoms up" for the sake of eternal peace and friendship between our two nations, saying "Is this a bottomless cup?".
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- 400K上空で地球を周回する国際宇宙ステーション(2018.11.02)
- 今朝5時に、ニュージーランド上空を通過したISS(2018.10.09)
- 夜明け前、国際宇宙ステーションを見て感銘(2017.11.20)