見晴るかす 赤城の裾野 濁世断つ
The city of Takasaki has a place of wonderful view. The distant view is Mt. Akagi, and the central high-raised hill is the east side of Kannon-yama. That north is Takasaki city area. The most remote eastern mountain is Mt. Nantaizan at Nikko in Tochiigi prefecture. This is the view from the window of the castle at the top of Mt. Ushibuse in Yoshi-town. When I see such a vast landscape, I can wash the dust of the mind that has accumulated day by day. Enlarge the photo please!
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見晴るかす 赤城の裾野 濁世断つ
投稿: 煤掃き | 2018年12月26日 (水) 08時38分
投稿: カッキー | 2018年12月26日 (水) 09時36分