吾妻峡 谷底深く 吸い込まれ
It is about 70 m deep from the top of the bridge to the blue water surface. The far bottom valley is an unimaginable depth. Today I drove the yellow car to know about the progress of the Yamba Dam construction. Also, I went to see the steep ridge of Agatsuma Valley where is downstream of the huge dam. Despite being a person in Gumma prefecture, I was surprised by the splendor of a pure blue valley because I had never properly observed it, and I also learned that Agatsuma Valley remains even when the dam is completed. Enlarging the photo will give you a sense of realism.
It ran well in the Kan- etsu highway. However, because this is a conspicuous yellow car, the police car approached from behind. At that time I thought I was caught, but fortunately I escaped the difficulties.
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投稿: 春待ち草 | 2019年1月 9日 (水) 07時42分
投稿: カッキー | 2019年1月 9日 (水) 09時10分