ふくらはぎ 強靭めざし 日々鍛え
In order to maintain healthy legs forever, we must train the soleus muscle and the Achilles tendon inside the calf consciously. To train is both expansion and contraction with stretching the knees. It is easy for us to stretch it as we touch a wall or chair. One set is about 10 seconds. We alternate left and right legs several times. It is up and down heels movement for contraction. This is called "calf-raise". It is effective to exercise relatively slowly about 50 times. As a summary, Up and down movement using staircase as you see is effective at the same time for our thighs. When walking, it better to stride a little in daily life.
In order to maintain healthy legs forever, we must train the soleus muscle and the Achilles tendon inside the calf consciously. To train is both expansion and contraction with stretching the knees. It is easy for us to stretch it as we touch a wall or chair. One set is about 10 seconds. We alternate left and right legs several times. It is up and down heels movement for contraction. This is called "calf-raise". It is effective to exercise relatively slowly about 50 times. As a summary, Up and down movement using staircase as you see is effective at the same time for our thighs. When walking, it better to stride a little in daily life.
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