クエン酸 風邪引きやすい 時季に生る
I eat sliced Hassaku as you see on the lower left of the photo as dessert after lunch, and sometimes pick and eat kumquats in the backyard. These fruits contain a lot of citric acid. For this reason, I have not caught a cold so far this winter. On the other hand, I drink mineral rich vegetable juice every early morning, because the stomach and duodenum are empty during this time period, so It will go to the intestines soon I guess. I enjoy natural blessings such as lycopene contained in tomato which is considered as an anti-cancer countermeasure. Therefore it is indispensable for our longevity.
In the current season, the nandin as you can see in the backyard has been well produced. Originally it was two shares, but now it is increasing and spreading. What we call, it became rampant. However, it shows us a lot of bright red fruits in this colorless seasons, so my heart gets better and softened. When I was a child, there was memory that I made a rabbit and made her eyes by this red fruits when the snow fell. Currently it is in the midst of winter season when wild birds do not have a lot of food, so they will come to eat them. Nandin is believed to have been brought from China by migrants around 1500 years ago.
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