August of this year includes that 6th is the day of Hiroshima atomic bomb, 7th is astronomically correct Vega festival, 8th is the beginning of autumn, 9th is the day of Nagasaki atomic bomb, 10th is the day of pigeon, and it will continue as, 11th is the mountain.
By the way, today is the Takasaki Festival, so I plan to drink beer with my eldest daughter and her husband at Takashimaya or somewhere. Then I will go. The photograph is a bustling seen of Takasaki festival from a high position.
Since many plants are planted in the garden, I work for watering in early morning, noon, and evening in this hot season. Because the weeping forsythia I planted about a month ago became weak, so that I give a lot of water especially.
The temperature of well water is cold, and as you imagine, water comes out in inexhaustible storage regardless of how much I use. Now, I am grateful to my late parents for digging the well more than a half century ago. Please do your best to keep rehydration well. I think salty intake is enough from the meal.The picture is crape myrtle making a shade.
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投稿: 朝風 | 2019年8月 4日 (日) 10時46分
投稿: カッキー | 2019年8月 4日 (日) 13時49分