There are two “Styx” rivers in Gumma Prefecture. I have already visited both. One is near Shinya Station near Tomioka City that is famous for its world cultural heritage, and the other is south of Small Marsh in Mt. Akagi.
If you cross over it while you are alive, it may be late to cross over actually. It's a very lonely place and it's pretty creepy, but I would like to guide for those who want to visit, but I'm worried if something ominous will happen.
I announced previously about the Styx-River that exsists now in Gumma Prefecture, but in fact, a monument that seems to be written in Sanskrit language still exists on the riverbank of this Styx-River. There is no sign explaining this monument nearby.
Does the cultural property section of this district know about this monument ? I want to know what meaning is carved on the stone. This kind of monument is once in a blue moon.
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投稿: 太鼓橋 | 2019年9月27日 (金) 09時53分
投稿: カッキー | 2019年9月27日 (金) 10時07分