This flower is pomegranate. The place of origin is considered to be the Zacross mountain range in Iran.
Every morning, I participate in the district's radio gymnastics. But It is raining this morning so I did it alone at my home. The excellent point of the radio gymnastics is that it stretches, twists, and bends our all muscles that do not move during a day when we are living normally.
Recently, I noticed that if I exercise with my legs wider, my body became more flexible. Please check it out.
It's annoying rainy weather every day in our nation, but let's live a healthy day today, both physically and mentally without losing to the weather. For that, isn't it about focusing on the areas of our own interest?
« 一年の丁度、真ん中で咲く「紫君子蘭」 | トップページ | 語学は実際に使って身に付くもの »
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