Audi TT Quattroをあまり乗らないでいるとバッテリーが上がるので、今日は中山峠経由で吉井ドリームセンターまで走らせたら調子は上々でした。
Recently, two cars tax, two cars insurance, car inspection of yellow car, dementia test, elderly training, license renewal are must so that car costs will increase. I am grateful for the benefit of 100,000 yen from the national government.
If I don't ride the Audi TT Quattro too much, the battery will be exhausted, so today I drove to Yoshii Dream Center to bathe via Nakayama pass. It was in good shape.
I will replace the battery at the next vehicle inspection. In the summer, car and human are reborn. For the brain, I would like to expand my range of activity energetically in the summer and to pick up a sweetheart-to-be on the way.
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「Audi TT Quattro」カテゴリの記事
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