Trees include deciduous trees and evergreen trees. As the name suggests, all deciduous trees fall from late autumn to early winter. In the annual cycle, leaf buds come out and become fresh green, and after about half a year, the leaves turn red and then fall. The photo is a zelkova tree in Kuragano Greenery Park named Ryokuchi.
On the other hand, evergreens always have leaves throughout the year. However, the leaves actually fall. Generally the time is from April to May before the leaf shoots appear. However, if I look closely at the rhododendron that is evergreen in my garden, the old leaves fall in late autumn with leaving the leaves that were born this spring. So, at a glance there are always leaves.
The photo is the active volcano Mt. Asama [altitude 2568m] seen from the Gumma prefecture side during I was walking, and it is already covered with snow. When I was a junior high school student, Mt. Asama repeated large eruptions several times, and the height of the eruption rose to about 5000 m, and the scene was terrifyingly amazing. Even in my town 50km away, the volcanic ash fell with big noise. After that, from high school to university period, I climbed the summit of Mt. Asama at least three times, and I could look at the Kanto plain distinctly and a meandering Tone River, Mt. Fuji, and the Japanese Alps from a high position.
There is Kambara Village which is called Japanese Pompeii near here, and there are still many buried houses sleeping underground. It is said that many of the inhabitants were victimized in the great eruption at Tenmei 3 (1783), and then the survivors remarried each other.
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投稿: 榎木僧正 | 2020年12月 2日 (水) 09時54分
投稿: カッキー | 2020年12月 2日 (水) 10時34分