The current garden is relatively bleak, but as for the natural color, as you can see, the plum fowers are red, and yellow kumquat fruits are bearing. As for the kumquat, I eat two after one meal. It will be a cold prevention I guess. The buds of the other four plums became considerably large, so they are likely to bloom at "Risshun"that is the first day of spring. I am of the opinion that in this season, we have an Ideal opportunity to sharpen our five senses.
If you are near, please come to appreciate plum flowers. I'll make tea. Also, if you want to listen to piano music, I will play "Sohshunfu" that means early spring etc for you. Let's enjoy early spring together. On the other hand, it is forecast that it will be vernal sunlight today. For good health, let's move body a lot outside.
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I also want to move body a lot in the vernal sunlight.
投稿: 佐保姫 | 2021年1月31日 (日) 08時22分
佐保姫さんへ・・・Is't a marvelous comment in English. I think you have a genius to be a cosmopolitan.I think two of the most important ways of life from now on are to make efforts to aim at physical health and mental stability.
So shall we exercise the both elements for longevity?
投稿: カッキー | 2021年1月31日 (日) 09時01分