The children of flower peaches grow more and more from the fallen seeds. The flower peach in the photo also grew naturally, and it is already much taller than me. By the way, the color of the garden has changed. The flower plums that have bloomed so far have turned into fresh green.
On the other hand, many Dokudami which is a foul smelling plant with heart-shaped leaves used as a medical herb and bushkillers are coming out from the soil. I dig up as soon as I find them, but they are so vital that I can't compete with them. Still I will do my best everyday.
By the way, the buds of Japanese rhododendron are also getting bigger and are likely to bloom from the middle to the end of this month. Japanese rhododendron is simple because she originally blooms in the mountains. If anything, I have to emulate her because my personality is to make myself look better.
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