倉賀野に 泳いでいます 鯉のぼり
昨日の夕方のウォーキングで東端の倉賀野緑地まで行きました。帰路は多少コースを変えて歩いたところ、下町地区に珍しく懐かしい「鯉のぼり」が東よりの風を受けて泳いでいるではありませんか。 暫くぶりに見るので、その豪快な姿に見とれていました。いかにも日本の風景です。
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORO9_KMVy44 ※改めて聴くと素晴らしい歌詞と旋律です。
I went to Kuragano greenary park named Ryokuchi at the eastern end by walking yesterday evening. On the way back, I walked on a slightly different course, and found that a nostalgic carp streamer which is rare in the Shimocho area, and it is swimming in the wind from the east. I saw it for the first time in a while, so I was fascinated by its dynamic appearance. It's a Japanese landscape since the ancient era I guess.
My parents gave my grandson [my nephew], who was born in the neighborhood, my father named him hajime because he was the first grandson for my parents, and I remembered that my parents gave a big carp streamer as a gift. Currently, he lives far away in Chiba prefecture and is early on his 60th birthday.
« 対岸が あまりの変化の 倉賀野緑地 | トップページ | 初挑戦 挿し木で増やす 貴重なシャクナゲ »
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