露天風呂 暫くぶりに 夢を見る
Today, I went to Yoshii Dream Center in the afternoon and took an open-air bath. Recently, I couldn't go for a while due to the rain in succession. However, during taking a bath today, it suddenly became a summer afternoon shower and it rained so much that I couldn't see the nearby Mt. Ushibuse at all. However, after about 15 minutes, the sun came out again. It was a transient rain.
Even so, I know that warming the human body improves blood circulation. After all, it is entirely different from the shower.
In my future life, I have a dream of going for a drive by my blue car to the mountains inside and outside Gumma prefecture and going to a nearby spa.
However, this is lonely as my dream in the future. So, of course, I have a bigger dream. I'd like to cultivate my creativity. In detail, it's a music performance. Please come and listen when I hold a home concert for soprano saxophone accompanied by piano like before.
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