群馬では 台風去って 夕焼けに
A huge typhoon that had approached the Japanese archipelago is leaving the Kanto district now and heading for the distant Pacific Ocean. For this reason, the typhoon has passed and is now having the wonderful bright color of sunset in Gumma prefecture region. Tomorrow will be the best autumnal fine weather in this fall. The world was all dark, but the state of emergency was over, and will our daily life finally return to bright days?
However, for the time being, we must strictly observe the Three Cs and thoroughly implement infection control measures from convergence to the end so as not to rebound the Covid-19. Tomorrow, I will enjoy immediately the nature of Gumma at the open-air bath of Yoshi Ushibuse dream center which stands on near Mt. Ushibuse.
« 日常で 筋肉増やす 鍛錬を | トップページ | 今の時季 庭を潤す マユミの実 »
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