青年の樹に肖り 一生勉強 一生青春
Dear my friends overseas and in Japan
To commemorate my retirement, the "Youth Tree" (Yucca) which was presented to me from the parents of Maebashi High School that I had worked seven years, was kept in my piano room and it was planted in a flowerpot so far. Last fall, I resolutely replanted it on the ground directly near the entrance. Now It is alive and well against the cold. The flower language is "brave" and "great", and it is the flower in New Mexico, USA.
Not change the subject, but while I was working at this school as a teacher, there was a special lecture, and the lecturer was Mr. Hiroshi Nakajima, a graduate of Maebashi High School, who was the secretary general of WHO (World Health Organization). Mr. Nakajima's greatest achievement is said to be "eradication of polio in the world."
At the lecture, his words that still left a deep impression on my mind were "I think about all my work and life in English from the beginning. In conversation with Japanese people, I translate the content into Japanese."
On the other hand, the first person who became Prime Minister in Gumma Prefecture was Mr. Kantaro Suzuki. He was a graduate of Maebashi High School as well. He was the 42nd Prime Minister at the end of the confused war. There are amazing people in the world.
※上の英文をネイティブの発音で聴くには英文をドラッグしてコピーし、次に貼り付けて下さい。なお、右上の欄を必ずUS Englishにしてください。https://ttsreader.com/ja/...
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