「福は内」 三日月木星 ランデヴー
一方、この三日月(上弦の月)は「日本で見ると右下が光り」、逆に「南半球では左下が光り」、「赤道付近では下側が光ります。」 同じ月でも見る位置の緯度によって形が異なるので、これも地球が球体である証拠です。
Dear my friends including living in Southern hemisphere
As I wrote the other day, this month is unusual because the dates of the current solar calendar and the old calendar (lunisolar calendar) are the same, therefore "The date and the phase of the moon coincides each other". For example, the phase 3rd is the crescent moon and the 15th is the full moon.
For this reason, the crescent moon will appear in the southwestern sky on the evening of the 3rd tonight. However, there is a bonus. (Not cracking a joke in our tongue.) Fortunately, the moon rendezvous with Jupiter. How happy we earthlings are!
On the other hand, this crescent moon (waxing moon) is "the lower right shines when viewed in Japan", conversely "the lower left shines in the Southern Hemisphere" such as NZ, and "the lower side shines near the equator" such as India. This is one of the evidences that the earth is a sphere.
However, the moon that can be seen in the eastern sky at dawn is the opposite of the above, so the lower left shines when viewed in Japan. This will be visible from the 26th to the 28th of this month.
Tonight, while watching the "Rendezvous of the Crescent Moon and Jupiter" in the southwestern sky, it is also a good idea to shout "Oni wa soto, Fuku wa uchi" that means "Devils out, Fortune in". This is our Japanese traditional annual event, By the way, will "fortune come true for me" this year?
※上の英文をネイティブの発音で聴くには英文をドラッグしてコピーし、次に貼り付けて下さい。なお、右上の欄を必ずUS Englishにしてください。https://ttsreader.com/ja/...
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