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Persimmon Marsh  掲示板

« 2022年3月 | トップページ | 2022年5月 »


2022年4月30日 (土)

暦とは 昔も今も 天体から

Dear my friends abroad and domestic
 Time flies. Today is the end of April. Because the academic year begins at April in Japan, have you got used to new school, new class, new job, and people who transferred the new workplace? Looking back on my job, I have been transferred six times, and I think I was able to adapt myself the new environment readily somehow in any workplace.
 By the way, regarding the calendars of January, April and May of this year, the dates of the current calendar (solar calendar) and the lunar calendar (lunisolar calendar) coincides with each other, so the crescent moon which is waxing appears on the 3rd, and the 15th becomes the full moon. These months are rare calendar in which "the phases of the moon" and dates are the same.
 In addition to this, regard as celestial bodies, please look at the eastern sky before sunrise in the coming few days. Unusually, Venus (the brighter one) and Jupiter are lined up extremely nearby. If you missed this morning, please see it early tomorrow  morning. Of course, those who live abroad are able to look the same celestial phenomenon.
※写真は折り紙教室で私が作ったものです。The art of folding paper in the photo was made by me in the origami classroom.
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2022年4月29日 (金)

筍は 今が旬です 食べ切れるかな

Dear my friend who likes a bamboo shoot
 Occasionally it is necessary for me to drive the blue car to keep the engine in good condition, so when I went to the supermarket in the Kaboku Center near the Agricultural Cooperative Building in Maebashi this morning, one bamboo shoot with a length of about 30 cm was too cheap. so I bought it.
 A farmer's woman sells it directly, saying, "This year we have a good harvest of bamboo shoots, and if I can't sell it, I'll be in trouble." I bought one because she recommended one, saying "This can be soft." It's 200 yen. At a general supermarket, even half of this size costs 500 to 600 yen.
 The other day, a radio calisthenics friend taught me how to cook bamboo shoot. When boiling with canned fish, the taste is delicious. Tonight, I will have a cup of Japanese sake "Kizakura" with bamboo shoot, of course, thinking of you.
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円安に 目が離せない 世界経済

Dear my friends overseas and domestic
 Today is "Showa Day", but previously it was "Greenery Day" and before that it was "The Emperor's Birthday". In this way, the name of the holiday changed with the times, for example, November 3, which was the birthday of Emperor Meiji, changed to "Culture Day".
 By the way, today's the sunrise on April 29th is 4:53 and the sunset will be 18:30 [Gumma prefecture, Japan], and the daytime will be 13 hours and 37 minutes. For this reason, I make effectively use of every early morning, the same as birds.
 In Japan, the consecutive holidays (also known as Golden Week in Japanese English) have finally begun, but even though it is long holidays, it is no change for me all year round.
 Even if it seems to live leisurely, the basis of our life is the economy, so I sometimes study it under the specialist of world economy at the securities company in front of Takasaki Station. For this reason, we can not take our eyes off the world economy.
 Due to the severe situation in Ukraine, the world stock price has fluctuated, while the exchange rate between Japan and the United States is in the 130 yen range per dollar, which is for me, an unexperienced depreciation of the yen.
 I am of the opinion that the economy is an opportunity when it is stagnant, and it can be said that a pinch has already begun when the economy is booming. We should continue to study the world economy for the rest of our life.
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2022年4月28日 (木)

認知症 演奏・英作文で 防げるか

 50年ほど前、両親が植えたもの、近年、私が埼玉の花園町から仕入れたものなどで、内心ここはPersimmon Marsh flower gardenと思ってます。おそらく、一般家庭として花の種類は多い方と思います。
Dear my friends overseas and domestic
 Today, the lily and lupines have newly bloomed. I live alone, but there are many family members named flower in the garden. What on earth, I have never counted how many plants there are.
 It was planted by my late parents about 50 years ago, and in recent years I bought them from Hanazono-town, Saitama prefecture, so I think this is the Persimmon Marsh flower garden. Probably, there are many kinds of flowers as a general household.
 From now on, I will aim for an environment where some flowers are always in bloom in the garden throughout four seasons.
Perhaps it may be a reaction that flower named my life does not bloom.
 Not change the subject, but in Japan, senile dementia which is predicted to affect 1 in 5 people over the age of 65, must be avoided in advance by 2025. I need to take this matter more seriously because I am forced to live without conversation every day.
  I would like to try new music by playing the piano which I never lose my touch, and translate Japanese sentences written by myself into English composition, and also refine the technique to make flowers bloom well, so I would like to avoid the senile dementia in advance.
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人間は 喜び楽しみ 分け与え

Dear my friends who hate the invasion, and love peace
 Even if the human world is rough and tumble, the natural world expresses beauty with colorful flowers in late April. The photo indicates three Azaleas and a Maggiore in Tsukiyama which means a man-made hill for plants. In addition to this, various rhododendrons and peonies are at their best in blossom.
 During my active duty, I was fascinated by the art of the ears awake or asleep everyday, but now, along with that, the art of the eyes is added. For this reason, my time of day is quite fulfilling, so to speak, I am crazy about "sharpening my five senses."
 From now on, the entire garden will be used as a canvas, and I hope to enjoy the "colors created by nature" to my heart's content, and at the same time, I will share this natural visual art with those who pass the path in front of my garden and have fun chatting.
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2022年4月27日 (水)

一ヶ月 背中が痛く 血液検査

Dear my friend who loves flower and anti-cancer measure
 Every day, I used my body to take care of the flowers and to weed in the garden. Recently, Houttuynia cordata has grown on the both side of the path to the entrance. So I concentrated on removing this root, as the result, the right side of my back hurt for about a month, therefore I put a compress on it.
 However, the compress cannot be attached well to the back by myself. I have no choice, but I went the hospital and have a nurse put it on my right side of back. This is one of the problems of living alone together with no conversation.
 Nevertheless, my back hurts during long days, so I thought that there might be other causes such as the liver and pancreas, so I had a blood test the other day.
 And I got the result yesterday. I was worried about the liver and heart because I enjoyed drinking the same as Mr. Barry, but the numerical values were within the standard values, the blood sugar and kidney function were within the normal values, and the tumor markers such as the pancreas were all lower than the standard values. For this reason, I was relieved that my back hurts like myalgia.
 I will continue for the rest of my life to drink tomato juice containing lycopene which has antioxidant activity, or carrot juice containing β-carotene and vitamin C which has also antioxidant activity, every early morning on an empty stomach.
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2022年4月26日 (火)

現在の 庭の主役は 黄色の牡丹

Dear my friends who like peony and rhododendron
 In the garden in late April, flowers of tree that bloom colorfully, so that the whole garden is like an orchestra. The current program is yellow as you can see, and it seems "Peony Concerto". Among the colors, pale yellow is bright and delicate, therefore it stands out in the garden.
 The next program as the main will be Japanese rhododendron during the Golden Week holidays. Even if I look for it in gardeners here and there, I can hardly find Japanese rhododendrons. It is extremely valuable. This is probably because it is the plant that has grown in the mountains since ancient times. The characteristic of Japanese rhododendron is that the back of the leaves is ocher.
 Last year, I was surprised that the Japanese rhododendron in my garden was introduced nationwide by the blog company Cocolog.
 The color of Japanese rhododendron has an Japanese ancient elegance in its soberness, and it looks like baroque music. However, this is a creation by nature.
 What I should do for her is water every morning and evening, and appreciate her firmly. All I have to do now is help to create the environment so as to be able to express her natural colors in half-shade. Please enlarge the photo.
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2022年4月25日 (月)

気づいても 後の祭りだ 発声法 

Dear my friend who loves great music
 There are four peonies in the garden. They are dappled red, flesh-colored, purple and yellow. Which color is not the most beautiful, we feel like it's balanced atmosphere, then we satisfy.
 Similarly, there are various tones in music depending on the instrument, and each one sounds unique and we feel marvelous from the bottom of heart. But lately I've been impressed with vocal music.
 This may be due to "creating all of the sound by ourselves". I am impressed with the pitch creation, strength and weakness, voice extension, vibrato, and above all, the individual tone quality by vocalist.
 As a reflection of myself, in school education, I think that "the correct vocalization method should have been thoroughly learned by the students." If I feel now, it's too late. The damage is done.
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2022年4月24日 (日)

ワックスで 磨いて出発 雨になる

Dear my friends who like an outdoor spa
 I went to Yoshii Dream Center this afternoon. I had stayed here with PTA people of Takasaki High School of Commerce before. And I remembered that I walked from Kuragano-town to this center for 3 hours.
 At first, I looked leisurely at Mt. Ushibuse in a large bathtub, but in my heart, the invasion of Ukraine which never stopped, the endless contagious corona, and the unfortunate Shiretoko-Peninsula tour boat. After thinking about these hustle and bustle in the world, one or two people came in after that.
 Unusually I polished the car with spray wax before departure. Then, after all, it started to rain lightly on the way at Nakayama Pass. Actually I haven't driven in the rain since I bought it. After I got home, I wiped off the water drops, but the wax worked and it wasn't dirty at all.
 Even so, the large bathtub at the Dream Center was really relaxing, so I'll have a glass of liquor with sashimi tonight.
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失敗から あれこれ工夫し 改善へ

Dear my friends who love rhododendrons

 It is different from previous years that the rhododendrons are in full bloom this year. For me, I looked back on my mistakes and made improvements. One is that all of the rhododendrons were potted by me. This way will prevent the roots of other trees from invading the rhododendron's root mass.
 In other words, the lack of nutrition has decreased this year I guess. The key to ascertainment whether a rhododendron is healthy is "whether the leaves are alive or not". This is just like the human's health by walking posture.
 Because the garden is extremely colorful this year, many people are visiting every day. It's fun to have a chat with them here.
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2022年4月23日 (土)

発音には 舌の形を よく見て真似る

Dear my Japanese friends who are trying to study everything in English
 Only 2% of people on the planet are considered to speak Japanese, and the rest 98% can't speak Japanese. However, it is thought that many people understand English, therefore this is the reason why English is said to be an universal language.
 As you know, there are no borders on the Internet world, and if we post our Facebook page or weblog, it will be instantly delivered to every corner of the globe. For this reason, in order to let people around the world know my impressions and thoughts, so that I am trying to challenge to post in English by racking my brain.
 I noticed that it was essential to know the English words which are necessary for daily life. I can't understand a word, if I don't know by looking at it or listening to it. Similarly, If we cannot listen to vowels and consonants that doesn't exist in Japanese, we can't pronounce by ourselves, so it is important to practice pronunciation repeatedly that does not exist in Japanese pronunciation. If possible we should imitate native speaker's shape of tongue's movement.
 For example, the difference between L and R is completely different for native foreigners, but it is difficult for Japanese people to distinguish between them. However, L and R are completely different.
 I consciously think that L sticks out the tip of the tongue, makes contact with the upper front teeth, and makes a sound from both sides of the tongue. R is the same as a vowel I guess. The point is that the tongue is pulled considerably toward the throat, the tip of the tongue is rounded a bit, and the tongue does not touch anywhere in the mouth.
 Therefore, I think that one of the differences between English and Japanese is the movement of the tongue and mouth.
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2022年4月22日 (金)

白と黄の 似たもの同士 寄り添い咲く

Dear friend who loves white and yellow
 The plants in the photo are Kodemari in white and Yamabuki in yellow. It has a very tasteful appearance and I feel the kindness. Both were in the yard of my old house, and I who was 20 years old at the time, carried them by rearcar. Therefore, they has been existing since the time of parents that means before the World War Ⅱ.
 By the way, if I look up this Kodemari that is currently in bloom and Yukiyanagi that bloomed in March in the Japanese-English dictionary, they are spirea. Indeed, the two plants have something in common, for instance, the buds are pentagonal, the petals are five, the branches are long and hanging, and many are white. From the perspective of us Japanese, even completely different plants, their English name are the same. 
 In the future, I would like to grow the yellow Yamabuki that means kerria in the lower right of the photo. Yamabuki blooms low and in the corner. After she finishes blooming, I will replant her in a relatively large flowerpot and place her on a high platform as if she appears on the stage at the time of flowering to show her elegant personality.
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2022年4月21日 (木)

穀雨では 「乙女座」方向を 進む地球  

 このとき、地球は常に左に太陽を見ながら、右に黄道十二星座を眺めつつ、やはり「反時計回り」に公転しています。この公転軌道一周の長さは「太陽地球間の距離約1億5千万㎞×2×πですから、実に 約9億4千万㎞になります。私たちはこの距離を一年かけて周遊してます。
Dear my beloved earthlings
 Every day, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west because the earth rotates "counterclockwise". On the other hand, while rotating, the earth is revolving without intermission.
 At this time, the earth is revolving "counterclockwise" while always looking at the sun on the left and the zodiac constellations on the right. The length of this revolution orbit is calculated by "Between the sun and the earth is about 150 million km x 2 x π", so it is actually about 940 million km. We will go around this distance over a year.
 If this distance is divided by the 24th season, the earth has traveled about 39 million km from the previous "Seimei" to yesterday's "Kokuu" that means grain and rain".
 Currently, one of the 12 constellations of the zodiac that can be seen to the right direction is "Virgo". Therefore, at midnight, we can see "Virgo" slightly west of the due south. This constellation has the first-class star named "Spica", so you will be able to fine out it easily. "Spica" is rare and shines almost on the ecliptic.
 We would like to see the twelve constellations of the zodiac shining to the south at midnight when we know the twenty-four solar terms on the calendar, and to recognize where we earthlings are currently floating in outer space.
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2022年4月20日 (水)

五角形 蕾の世界に 感銘す!

Dear my facebook friends who are interesting in nature
 These are plant buds that are starting to bloom in my garden. As you can see, its shape is a pentagon and looks exactly like a star. What plant's name of the bud do you think?
 The name of this plant is "codemari" which is a kind of spirea. Therefore, when these buds bloom, the flowers also become pentagonal. It is strange in the shape that looks like picturesque stars. If you are near including NZ, please visit here to see it.
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驚きです! 器用な人も いるものです

Dear my friends who love origami
 Probably for the first time in half a century, I tried to make "origami" which means the art of folding paper. Surprisingly, a man living nearby became a lecturer at the district meeting place named "Furusato" in front of my garden and an origami class was held and I participated.
 The photo above is a famous Himeji Castle created by the instructor, and when stretching the paper, we can see that it is elaborately made from a piece of paper. It was probably made with a blade that cuts quite well. There is a dexterous person in the world. I received it as a souvenir.
 The bottom of the photo is "cranes" that I made by imitating, but what happened? I made two cranes of different sizes, even though from the same size of paper. Probably the right is correct and the left is not official.
 When I participated in this meeting, I felt that "origami" is used my head unexpectedly and that it needed dexterity. It seems that I don't have the talent of origami. 

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2022年4月19日 (火)

願い込め 倉賀野神社に 参拝す

 このシャクナゲは背が高い私よりもっと高さがあります。花の咲き具合から樹勢は健康です。私もこのシャクナゲに負けぬよう今日一日、Anti-aging をめざし、外で身体を動かし、ウォーキングでは2cmほど歩幅を広げて長い脚を有効に使いたいと思います。
Dear my friend who loves health and visiting shrine
 Today, April 19th is "Good Cucumber Day" in pun here in Japan. As the name suggests, seasonal cucumbers are really delicious beyond description. Also, today is the spring festival of Kuragano Shrine where is a 5-minute on foot from my residence.
 The market of plants will be held here, and the weather will be springy today. I also worship and thank God for my health of the days gone by. On the other hand, if God accepts me, I will ask God for important one for me.
 Now, the garden is the best flower season of the year, and as you can see, the red western rhododendron and the double cherry blossoms are co-starring.
 This rhododendron is taller than me. The tree vigor is healthy because of observing the condition of blooming. I would like to aim for Anti-aging all day today so as not to lose to this rhododendron, move my body outside, and when walking, I would like to widen my stride by about 2 cm using my long legs effectively.
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2022年4月18日 (月)

生活に 生かせる社訓を 抜粋す


Dear friends abroad
 Above mentions are Japanese Company's mottos. Therefore I do not interpret this time because these are not my remarks.

2022年4月17日 (日)

植え替えた 樹木に対し 強風注意

Dear my friends who love nature and music
 Yesterday, our Gumma prefecture was exposed to strong wind all day long by Typhoon No. 1 which moved northward in the Pacific Ocean.
 As a result, in the evening, I noticed that the leaves of red plum with 3m height, which was replanted by me the other day, was a little wilted. So immediately I gave plenty of water and pruned unnecessary branches to prevent waste of nutrients.
 After it is a strong wind, water will evaporate from the leaves than usual. I gave water in a hurry. There is a bank collecting water around the replanted red plum.
 As you know, it had been raining for 2 days, so I thought that watering was unnecessary. However, after replanting, it is necessary for us to carefully observe and we must take necessary measures.
 As the same for humans, proper exercise and proper nutrition are indispensable for physical strength and intelligence. Especially I think breakfast is important because of the source of daily activities.
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2022年4月16日 (土)

漂う香り その名も夢路 咲き誇り

Dear my friends who dislike nightmare
 Today, it cleared up as soon as the typhoon had passed, as the result a strong wind blew all day in Gumma prefecture. Small rhododendron plants are vulnerable to the strong wind and evaporate water. For this reason, I displayed it inside the entrance.
 As you see, the buds of new branches are growing vigorously, therefore good flowers may bloom next spring. The name of this Western rhododendron is "Yumeji" that means the beautiful dreamer. Only the edge of the petals is pink and the atmosphere is tender.
 I'd like to have some good dreams tonight as well. How about, I just want to avoid nightmares.
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年齢に 関係ないのは 希望です。

Dear my friend who loves mother and hope
 Today April 16th is the birthday of my late mother. It's already 33rd anniversary of her death. I was born as the youngest of six siblings. However, since it was during World war Ⅱ, my mother was undernourished, so that it seems that she didn't produce milk, so my sister bought me powdered milk on her way home from a girls' school in Takasaki.
 However, on the contrary, it worked well, and I was born from a small mother, but I became taller because milk is rich in calcium. It is a typical example of "turning misfortune into a blessing." As a result, my two daughters also became taller.
 By the way, my mother really liked flowers. When I reached the age of my mother, that pedigree would have revived. Nowadays, the garden is in full blossom one after another, and many people come to see it.
 Human is "there are many times when things don't go as expected", but we should continue to have hope for our future life by focusing on our wisdom without giving up. I think it's important to have a way of life that "it's not too late".
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2022年4月15日 (金)


      ✖ Sit down.
      〇 Have a seat.
  ✖ I beg your pardon? 又はPardon?
      〇 Sorry?
      ✖ What is your name?
      〇 May I have your name, please?
    ✖ I'm fine, thank you. And you?
      〇 I'm good. How are you?
    ✖ My name is Ichiro Kuragano.
      〇 I'm Ichiro Kuragano.
      ✖ I don't know.
      〇 I'm not sure.又は I have no Idea.
    ✖ I understand.
      〇 I see your point.
      ✖ Yes
     〇 Loud and clear.

I conduct the orchestra named Persimmon Marsh Garden

Dear my friend who likes vernal season
 Today is April 15th [lucky day]. The sunrise is 5:11, the sunset is 18:17, and the solar altitude is 63 ° [Gunma Prefecture]. Today is a happy pension day for the elderly.  
 No matter where we look the natural world, fresh green is a beautiful, and photosynthesis is flourishing.
 The photo shows the tall red plum so far, but when I pruned last year, many leaves were born at the height of human's eyes. Therefore I am like a gardener by pulling the branches with strings from the surroundings and I am devising a way to spread the tree shape horizontally. The tree shape changes as humans think. Plums will come back to life after pruning, and I hope that many fantastic pink flowers will bloom next spring.
 As you can see, the diameter of the trunk is as large as 15 cm, so the tree vigor is healthy, and it will be noticeable because it is planted in the entrance of garden. The current garden is full of colorful tulips, and from now on, Japanese and Western rhododendrons are beginning to bloom, so that the entire garden looks like an orchestra conducted by me.
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2022年4月14日 (木)

暗い世に 微笑む表情 絞りの牡丹

Dear my friends who love peony and human  
 Four peonies line up near the front door, the "dappled peony" begins to bloom. The flowers are large, and the colors are marvelous and luxurious. This peony has been in bloom for about 10 years.
 As I wrote before, when purchasing a flowering plant, it is important for us to "check the color that actually bloomed" and be impressed with that color. If we buy only buds, it may be contrary to your expectations. This is an iron rule when buying.
 I'm looking forward to the next blooming in ivory, purple and yellow. It's just like human society, it's fun because of different personalities.
 We have to prevent water shortage, especially when the peony buds grow large. If it runs out of water, her neck tends to hang down. I am relieved by the forecast of the rain of grace for the next few days. If you are near here and including living in NZ, please come visit to see.
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2022年4月13日 (水)

二色の桜 何と表現 美の極み

Dear my friends who love music and cherry
  The climate has warmed in Gumma prefecture, and the double cherry blossom that my late father planted more than half a century ago has bloomed this morning. If you look closely at the flowers, you can see bicolor, light pink and white.
  This double cherry starts to bloom after the ordinary cherry blossoms are over. This cherry is luxurious and has an atmosphere that can be said to be the queen of flowers. It hangs down from the branches and blooms like cherries.
  The parking lot is equipped, so please come and see it.
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情熱は レース鳩から シャクナゲへ

Dear my friends who like flower and peace
 When I was young, still young in heart, I wasn't interested in flowers, but crazy about racing pigeons. But now my passion is shifting to flowering plants. The buds of the large rhododendrons are swelling, so they will bloom soon.
 On the other hand, as you see, small rhododendrons are in full swing now. I plant all rhododendrons in pots, so when they bloom, I avoid direct sunlight to prevent from withering, or move them to a conspicuous place.
 Even so, for racing pigeons, I have continued research for more than half a century to rapid return from northern Hokkaido where is 1000 km long distance.
 Similarly, regarding to flowering plants, what I research on soil preparation to make them bloom better is endless, and research will continue for a lifetime. I understand it little by little, but it's still a long way to reach my purpose. If you are near including NZ, please come and see Japanese rhododendrons in the near future. I'll make tea and play the piano. The photo is a Western rhododendron and amaryllis.
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2022年4月12日 (火)

朝夕に 水遣り忙し 鉢の藤  

Dear my friends who like the vernal season
 The "weeping peach" in the garden are beginning to bloom in the spring-like nice day today. This "weeping peach" has grown from seeds here. The tulips also use a lot of water, so they became taller, and the kaffir lily was placed in a high position for easy viewing.
On the other hand, the pink wisteria's buds are getting bigger and will bloom this weekend. This also requires a lot of water. Therefore, it is my job to water the plants in the morning and evening this season.

2022年4月11日 (月)

牛伏で 気分は最高 桜吹雪

Dear my friend who likes spa
 This afternoon, I took a bath at Yoshii Dream Center after a long time. While enjoying the view of Mt. Ushibuse nearby and blizzard of falling cherry blossom from the window, I felt like a hot spring in a large bathtub for a while.
 The gasoline price has soared due to the invasion into Ukraine, therefore I have no opportunity to drive the car, so I felt that my car wanted to go somewhere like a dog. The car climbed the wide Nakayama Pass, and The flattening 35% ran as if it stuck to the road surface, and I felt the sense of stability of this car.
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君子蘭 土作りこそ 基本の基

Dear my friend who likes a kaffir lily
 Please click the photo to enlarge it. This is a pot of "kaffir lily" placed in front of the entrance. The place of origin is said to be Africa. It is truly colorful and full of vitality. 
 Until now, when a child grows in surrounding, I separated the roots and increased, but from now on, I will not increase the number of pots, but will replant it in a relatively large flower pot so that many stems will bloom in a same pot.
 It is important to devise the soil of kaffir lily as well as the rhododendron. The basis is well drained. These are the small pumice stones and peat moss which I prepared the other day. Basically, the drainage is such that when water is given, water will immediately come out from the hole in the bottom of the flowerpot.
 When the flowers bloom, I do not expose it to direct sunlight and watch them in the shade. Replanting in a large flowerpot will be planed after the flowers finish blooming.
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2022年4月10日 (日)

高齢期 人に頼らず 自ら実行

Dear my friends
 After getting older, isn't the basic way of our life is to "Throw away the idea that I have people help me with anything" but "do everything by myself"? If we live by relying on people, we will tend to get dissatisfied easily, and if we do it ourselves we will have to use our wisdom which may become a so-called senile dementia countermeasure.
 Yesterday, I climbed the ladder and pruned the plum's branches myself. This will bring back a sense of balance. I cut the branches of the white plum weeping that had been entertained enough this spring, and then I cut the branches into small pieces and packed them in a bag so as to take out them in a garbage truck.
 As it has been said since ancient times in Japan that "a fool who cuts cherry, and a fool who does not cut plum". So I pruned plum tree. By pruning, plum flowers will bloom well next spring and fruits will grow well.
 If we move our body for about 2 hours, as a result, the food will be delicious. As we get older, one of the indispensable matter is that health comes from meal.
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2022年4月 9日 (土)

高齢期 一人で生きる 才覚必要

Dear my friends who love pastime
 As we get older, we have fewer friends, neighbors, and relatives to play with. Yesterday, I was surprised to find out that a woman living in my neighborhood had passed away because I felt that I couldn't see her recently.
 Therefore, I am of the opinion that it is better to have a habit of playing alone and a habit of being crazy about some hobbies by yourself at an early stage. Like when you are young, sports and playing with a partner are fun because of with conversation, but as is usual in this world, the number of partners gradually decreases.
 I loved going to the mountains, so I went climbing at the New Year to see the first sunrise of the year, and went to the mountains inside and outside Gumma prefecture with a "mountain climber" living nearby, but in recent years, he have died. He had climbed all 100 famous mountains in Japan. and another mountain master passed away. For this reason, I am not climbing alone because dangerous things can happen in mountaineering.
 My fun now is playing soprano saxophone and piano, driving the car, taking care of flowering plants, English composition, talking with friends and two daughters with having a drink, joy with way of thinking by Facebook, blogging, etc.
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2022年4月 8日 (金)

咲きました 色とりどりの チューリップ

Dear my friends who like tulip, music and booze
 In the spring sunshine, red, pink and yellow tulips are in full bloom now in the garden. The habit of closing flowers at night and opening them again in the morning is similar to humans. Bulb plants are convenient for me, and they sprout and bloom every year when the season comes without doing anything.
 In addition to this, colorful gladioli bloom around June, so buds have finally begun to sprout on the ground. On the other hand, I expect that lilies of several colors will bloom this year. The weather is nice, so let's drink here tonight. Welcome to jump in!


中身濃い Presidentに 感銘す

Dear my friends
 Since the beginning of April, I read the "president" sent on the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month as a teaching material, and I will reopen my eyes on the essence of things that surround my life. This booklet guides daily life to the real thing, puts it into practice, and makes me think deeply, and every time It introduces the thoughts of prominent people from various fields. The feature is rich in content which covers each field and is wide-ranging.
 The purpose of "Tensei Jingo" which I had read so far, was to read English, but recently I have come to question its content. The sentences that criticize the government's ideas are quite conspicuous recently, and I feel that "Is this Asahi newspaper that represents Japan?" This is probably because it is written by an individual called a heavenly person in the company of newspaper.
 On the other hand, the president consists of a wide range written by experts on the wide ranges of field, and there are many articles that serve as a great guideline for us to live. In the future, I would like to read this booklet carefully during the remaining life and work on new ways of thinking and practice every day.
 Actually, a month ago, I read this president at the Audi dealer in Takasaki-city, was impressed by the depth of the content, and immediately decided to subscribe myself.
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2022年4月 7日 (木)

植え替えて 息吹に燃える 赤い梅

Dear my friend who loves a red flower
 The plum that was replanted the other day is by means of taking care of watering in the morning and evening and pruning of excess branches, so it may not die. As you can see, a lot of leaf buds came out.
 Next season, it will bloom bright red in the garden for over a month from early February to mid-March, so it may be noticeable, soothing or passionate to the viewer.
 The variety name of this plum is Kagoshima. The tree is about 3m high, and the trunk is bent, so it is unique shape. It is tied with a string from all sides so that it will not move even in strong wind. Next year, I have more fun.
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2022年4月 6日 (水)

花が咲き 始業式後に 入学式

Img_3160 Img_3151
To my friends who love flowers and children
 The garden is full of flowers, so I spent all day long in the garden today and enjoyed spring from the bottom of my heart. I chatted with people passing by in front of my garden and pruned some branches.
 The entrance to my garden is open all year round. Even there is a favorite fence, there is no gate so that people can enter freely. In fact, it's easier for me to drive the car without a gate.
 The first semester of Kuragano Elementary School will start tomorrow, so the school patrol will continue for a week from 7:20 every morning. Before that, I will participate in radio calisthenics in the park from 6:30, so during that time I will be extremely busy with breakfast making and breakfast.
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懐かしい 餅つきの写真 ニュージーランドから

Dear my friends in the southern hemisphere
 A nostalgic photo of 33 years ago was sent from New Zealand through Facebook. Mr. Barry Spence sent me many photos with just one click, therefore it became a convenient world recently. We can understand that the internet has no borders.
 He stayed in Takasaki-city as an ALT of Takasaki High School of Commerce for a year with his family, and stayed at my home for the first week until the apartment was found, and sometimes we had dinner together with his family on weekends. At that time, my family member was four such as my wife and two daughters. We associated each other.
 I thought that the traditional Japanese experience was good and a memorable event for them as a mutual understandings. At the end of year, his daughter, Sarah tried to experience "mochitsuki" that means making sticky rice cake, so that she kneaded and beat the mochi.
 Currently, we are friends with her and her dad through Facebook. The right is my sister in the photo. I hope to meet them again, therefore I am aiming now for good physical and mental health so as to realize the dream.
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2022年4月 5日 (火)

今年度 初めて行きます いい処

Dear my friends abroad including living in Japanese archipelago
 I was invited by a friend tonight. From now on, I will take a train from Kuragano-Station and have a social gathering at Takasaki's small tavern named "Baku". Of course, I will be careful about measures against Omicron.
 Usually, there is no dialogue during supper with anyone because of living alone, so would you please permit me tonight. Now I will go to "Buku". It looks like a dream.

ドクダミを ほぼ取り切って せいせいする

Dear my friends who like flowers, music and peace
 Houttuynia cordata was rampant on the both sides of path from the garden to the entrance, but I dug up the soil myself and removed about 95% of the roots.
 As you can see, the path's side is clogged with pebbles, so the work was difficult. Still, I finished work this morning. As the result I have suffered from lumbago.
 In the near future, I will focus on flowering of rhododendrons. It's a good exercise to do a lot of work in the garden. It is also fun for me that customers will come and I explain various plants for them.
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現在の 地球の位置を 考える

Dear my friends as earthling
 Today April 5th is "Seimei" which is one of the twenty-four solar calendars in Japan. Which side of outer space is our earth which revolves counterclockwise around the sun, floating? You can understand, if you look at the constellation in the due south at midnight.
 The constellation is "Virgo", one of the twelve constellations of the Zodiac. The first-class star "Spica" in this constellation is relatively easy for us to find because it is located near the ecliptic.
 By the way, three hours later, "Scorpio" which is including the orange-colored first magnitude star "Antares" appears in the due south, as if staring at our earth, with winding and brave shape.
 In "Seimei", the sun angle rises to 60 ° (Gumma Prefecture), which is twice high as the winter solstice. This is the result that the earth is revolving with maintaining the inclination of 23 ° 26' in its axis.
 In the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere, buds of trees and weeds begin to sprout, photosynthesis becomes active, and it is the most comfortable season of the year. We'd like to go outdoors and enjoy the benefits of nature.
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2022年4月 4日 (月)

本来の 七夕今年は 8月4日 

Dear friend who likes natural attraction
 Unusual phenomenon is happened this year. Dates of January, April and May coincide with the lunar calendar's dates. Of course, the lunar calendar is one month later than the solar calendar.
 Therefore, April 3rd yesterday is March 3rd in the lunar calendar, so it is the "Old Doll's Festival" for girls. In ancient Japan, it was said to be "Momonosekku" that means seasonal festival of peach, so that as you can see, the lunar calendar certainly matches the season, the flower of peach blooms. and this day is always "Daian" that means a lucky day every year.
 The photo of the garden was taken yesterday. "Bicolored weeping peach" is in full bloom, together with tulips, narcissi , Kaffir lilies and amaryllis.
 If the dates of the lunar calendar and the solar calendar match like this month, the 3rd of the month will be the crescent moon, the 15th will be the full moon. The lunar calendar which has been used in Japan for a long time, matches the natural world and is very tasteful.
 A prominent example is Tanabata on July 7th of the lunar calendar. On the 7th day of this evening, the moon's shape becomes a ship in the southwestern sky, and once a year, Orihime (Vega) and Hikoboshi (Altair) meet on this ship in the Milky Way. In the current calendar, August 4th is Vega festival day this year.
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シャクナゲの 土壌の作り 研究中

Dear my friend who uses a pumice stone for heel
 I am researching suitable soil for rhododendron. Currently, flowering has begun, so I will not work now, but I will replace the soil at the end of flowering in mid-May.
 Because I hadn't thought about it before, I plan to mix tiny pumice stones in the soil this time. I believe that it will be closer to the natural environment of the rhododendron that blooms in the mountain. At first, do not use it much and gradually increase it while watching the growth.
 Speaking of pumice stones, the eruption of a submarine volcano rushed to the coast of the Japanese archipelago, which was a problem, but in any case, it may be useful even if things are disliked.
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2022年4月 3日 (日)

待ちに待った シャクナゲ開花 燃えるよう

Dear my friend abroad who likes rhododendron
 The rhododendron which is the main flower in my garden, has begun to bloom. It will bloom until May. Originally, it is "really difficult to grow rhododendron on flat ground" because of the mountain plant.
 Currently, there are 9 kinds of rhododendrons in the garden. Of these, there are two precious Japanese rhododendrons. Even if we look for them at a gardener, we can hardly find them. The characteristic of Japanese rhododendron is that the back of the leave is ocher.
 The key to raising rhododendrons is half-shade, and she hates direct sunlight in midsummer. In addition, the roots are solidified and relatively small, so that the roots of other trees invade there, her nutrients are absorbed. To prevent this, I grow in a large flowerpot. I can judge the condition by her leaves.
 On the other hand, the soil is well drained. Regarding the soil of rhododendron, it is the theme of my lifelong research such as mountain sand.
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花弁が こんなに大きな 花はない

Dear my friend
 Amaryllis with large petals has begun to bloom. The diameter of the flower is 10 cm. She is like greeting me, "How are you doing today?" She will be in bloom for a while.
 When in this situation, I don't feel so lonely living alone. The coming season will be surrounded by various flowers, and at night there will be a drink, so I will be fulfilling. After all, flowers and music heal the human mind. But something is missing. It will be conversation with human.

2022年4月 2日 (土)

年重ねても 希望に満ちた 四月なり

Next is an interpretation for my friends abroad
 It is said in Japan that "it's cold and hot till vernal and autumnal equinox." But it was very cold yesterday like winter. Even so, I am relieved to see small leaves on the branches of plum [variety name: Kagoshima] that was replanted by me about 3 days ago. It won't die. I am relieved for the time being. It seems to fine weather today.
 The photo is "Genpei Weeping Peach" in front of the entrance. As you can see, one tree blooms in red and white. Even so, the "color and weeping condition" in this spring is marvelous, and the flowers are big than usual when I look closely. I covered the surroundings with new soil, weeded, and watered when the soil dried.
 On the other hand, we human brain and body tend to be lazy and fall into a life without change every day. In order to lead a fulfilling life both in mind and body, it is essential to receive new positive stimuli from eyes and ears throughout the year, then we should have new ideas.

2022年4月 1日 (金)

心新たに 前進したい 新年度

Dear my friends throughout the world
 Today is April 1st. It is the new semester from today in Japan. The grade goes up by one year in elementary and junior high school, and regard as the high school and university, if students can earn crdits safely, they will be promoted to next grade. Some people will become members of society from today.
 In terms of the economy which is most related to our life, the prices of daily necessities rise from today, about 10% of paper such as tissues and toilet paper. Especially wheat has soared because most of it is imported. The price increase of products and foods is reported. The invasion of Ukraine is by no means a fire on the opposite bank.
 Society is aging more and more, therefore in terms of economy and health, we must experience many hardship to live in this world. However, we do not discourage by it, and for the sake of social peace, we would like to positively promote what we can do matters which is close to us.
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