今の時季 誠に長い 昼時間
Dear my friends who are floating in space
Today's sunrise is 4:37 and sunset will be 18:43 [Gumma Prefecture, Japan]. The solar altitude at noon is 72 °. The length of the day is calculated to be 14 hours 06 minutes.
Therefore, the length of the day is really long now. We should get up early and use our time effectively. By the way, the solar altitude at the summer solstice is 77 ° and the length of the day is 14 hours and 39 minutes, so it is not much different from today.
In this way, the sunrise and sunset times change day by day because the earth's axis is tilting 23 ° 26'21 " while revolving, the same as the" latitude number of the Tropic of Cancer ".
By the way, around the summer solstice, the position of our Earth in the space, which travels counterclockwise at a speed of about 29 km / s, is approaching the direction of "Gemini" of the Zodiac constellation, and conversely, around the winter solstice, Our earth is approaching in the direction of "Gemini".
By the way, our earth on May 15th today is floating in the direction of "Libra" and "Scorpio" We earthlings are floating in the outer space without cease, therefore we must cease the war in Ukraine.
※上記の英文をネイティブの発音で聴くには英文をドラッグしてコピーし、次に貼り付けて下さい。なお、右上の欄を必ずUS Englishにしてください。https://ttsreader.com/ja/...
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