効果あり! 不整脈には キャフレイズ
Dear my lifelong friends throughout the world
Due to the midsummer climate in the northern hemisphere, how is your condition?
At the Calcutta Japanese School in India, where I was working as a teacher in my twenties, the summer vacation was May, and the maximum temperature was 42 ° C every day, measured in the shade at 11:00 am. In the afternoon, the temperature dropped, then sometimes heavy rain occurred, and after an hour, the sun shone again. So I'm still relatively strong against the heat, but "weak against the cold and loneliness."
By the way, for us, the important lifestyle habit in the coming season will be early sleep and early wake up. We should exercise in a cool place or during cool hours. The purpose is muscle building and smooth blood circulation by means of a moderate exercise.
In my case, arrhythmia does not occur when the heel is moved up and down 50 to 100 times by one set, which is called "calf-raise" .Also, secure "sufficient sleep time". Lack of sleep makes our body languid and our blood pressure tends to rise.
According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in Japan, it is estimated that "1 in 5 people over the age of 65 will suffer from senile dementia" in 2025.
In order to prevent the senile dementia, I'll maintain muscles and smooth blood flow". Furthermore, I'll activate the brain through "being crazy about what we like, as "this summer's purpose".
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