現在の 地球の位置を 実感す
Dear my earthlings
The calendar is based on the achievements of human predecessors who observed the periodicity of celestial movements. Thanks to this, we can know "when is today" from the calendar.
At the summer solstice the other day, the earth traveling counterclockwise at a speed of about 29 km / s was on the orbit, and , we earthling could see the middle of "Scorpion" and "Sagittarius" on the right side (outside). However, today the Earth on June 27 has already reached the direction of "Sagittarius". This can be understood from the fact that "Sagittarius" is in the due south at midnight.
The "Sagittarius" includes "Nanto Rokusei" that means 6 stars in the south, and there is a "winter solstice point" nearby. The "winter solstice point" is on the zodiac that is 90 ° west of the vernal equinox point [just below the Pisces]. Of course there is no sign. This is the point where the sun reaches at the winter solstice when viewed from the earth.
In this way, we would like to realize every day that the earth floating in space is orbiting around 900 million km orbit while rotating 365.24 times . In other words, our age is the number of rounds.
※上記の英文をネイティブの発音で聴くには英文をドラッグしてコピーし、次に貼り付けて下さい。なお、右上の欄を必ずUS Englishにしてください。https://ttsreader.com/ja/...
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投稿: お冷や | 2022年6月27日 (月) 09時44分
投稿: カッキー | 2022年6月27日 (月) 11時15分