目標は 筋肉つけて 姿勢よく
ウォーキング中に心掛けてることは 1、骨に刺激を与えるため踵から着地する。2、意識して歩幅を2cmほど広げる。3、時々、肘を90℃に曲げ両手を振ると血液循環によい。4、常に鼻呼吸。5、姿勢に気をつけ遠方を見る。
Dear my friends who pursue anti-sarcopenia
I used to walk regularly as a daily routine, but it was extremely hot this summer, so I didn't walk much. However, it's getting cooler in the morning and evening, so I choose courses with clear air and marvelous scenery, and start walking again.
In my case, I don't feel arrhythmia when I consciously train my calves. This is in the middle of walking, I train "calf-raise". In other words, I raise and lower the heels about 100 times on the way. This exercise hardens our calves and builds muscle. I think it is healthy for blood circulation that ankles are thin and calves are thick.
What I keep in mind while walking is 1. Land on the heels to stimulate the bones. 2. Consciously widen my stride by about 2 cm. 3. Occasionally, bend my elbows to 90 degrees and wave both hands for smooth blood circulation. 4. Always breathe through the nose. 5. Watch my posture and look far away.
※For the Japanese people
上記の英文をネイティブの発音で聴くには英文をドラッグしてコピーし、次に貼り付けて下さい。なお、右上の欄を必ずUS Englishにしてください。https://ttsreader.com/ja/...
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