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Persimmon Marsh  掲示板

« 高商吹奏楽部定期演奏会について・上毛新聞より  | トップページ | 庭の清掃中 奇妙な二人組 現われる »

2022年11月28日 (月)

驚き! 群馬から海が見える  

Dear my overseas friends who like mountaineering at the new year
This is the article I posted that was previously published in Jomo Newspaper "Hiroba".
 In the morning of New Year's Day, Every year, I climb mountains in and out of Gumma prefecture with my neighbors. At the top of the mountain, we have a party to drink sake and eat ozoni that means Japanese traditional cuisine. This year we went to Mt. Akagi . Looking at the cold and the lake Konuma frozen on the surface, we stepped on the snow and arrived at the summit of Mt. Choshichiro with a breath-taking landscape.
 At the summit, we were greeted by a northerly wind with a temperature of minus 8 degrees that skimmed over the ice of the lake Konuma. This coldness is the very threat of nature that we cannot normally experience.
 We sit down in the sunny place seeing Mt. Fuji, overlooking the great Kanto plain, and enjoy the long-awaited New Year's toast. Under the glimpse of the sun through the snow clouds overhead, we had a pleasant chat.
 When we look closely in the sunny southeast direction, we can clearly see the skyscrapers of the Shinjuku subcenter in Tokyo with the naked eye. What's more, when we look closely behind them, we can see the long side of Tokyo Bay reflected in the sun's rays. The sea is unmistakably reddish.
 This is probably because the sun is in the same southeast direction as Tokyo Bay in terms of time and winter season, and the sun was low due to early morning, so it was easy to reflect the sunshine, and the clear winter conditions overlapped.
 In the midst of the threat of freezing temperatures, we were able to have a valuable experience thanks to the blessings of nature. At the top of the mountain, the five of us were surprised and delighted by this discovery, and forgot the passage of time with hot sake and ozoni.
 Looking at the rustic ridges of the mountains and the sea, I felt that humans have been trembling with the threats of nature since ancient times, and at the same time our ancestors have survived for tens of thousands of years thanks to the blessings of nature. I was grateful for being able to see the sea from Gumma Prefecture and spending New Year's time on the mountaintop, and this year I wanted to tackle everything with a fresh feeling.
※上記の英文をネイティブの発音で聴くには英文をドラッグしてコピーし、次に貼り付けて下さい。なお、右上の欄を必ずUS Englishにしてください。https://ttsreader.com/ja/..

« 高商吹奏楽部定期演奏会について・上毛新聞より  | トップページ | 庭の清掃中 奇妙な二人組 現われる »





« 高商吹奏楽部定期演奏会について・上毛新聞より  | トップページ | 庭の清掃中 奇妙な二人組 現われる »
