Dear my friends abroad
The photo was taken in the summer, but today, I participated the school road's guidance of Kuragano Elementary School. After 1st 2nd graders came, students didn't come. So I waited for an hour until they come.
"It was cold this December, so it was cold today as well." My daughter's daughter is not a student at Kuragano Elementary School, but it is very meaningful to help the local community.
Even so, the principal came along the way, and although it was our first time meeting, we were able to talk a little. I didn't mention myself, but when I said, "My wife was also the principal of Shiroyama Elementary School," he didn't seem to meet because of the age difference.
By the way, it was cold when I stood at the school route, so tonight I'm going to have a drink at the familiar tavern "Baku" after a long interval to warm up my body and mind, so please forgive me for just tonight. From now on I will get on the train and go.
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