柑橘類 今が食べ頃 ビタミンC
Dear my overseas friends who need elasticity of skin
I have a lot of kumquats growing in my garden, but today I wanted to eat "Hassaku" that means one of the Japanese oranges, so I went for a drive and went to a supermarket named "Minorikan" in Maebashi-city to get it. As you can see, it looks good when divided into eight equal parts.
Generally it is said that the vitamin C is contained in "Hassaku which maintains the healthy skin and elasticity of the skin" and "works to suppress the synthesis of melanin pigment which causes blemishes".
"What would happen if I who is a man, ingested something that had such a skin-beautifying effect?" Is there anything good? On the other hand, "hassaku" has an antioxidant effect. Therefore it can be expected to prevent arteriosclerosis and aging. This effectiveness is good for me. Then I will eat alone and lonely with thinking of you.
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- 柑橘類 今が食べ頃 ビタミンC(2023.01.27)