室内の 西洋シャクナゲ 庭に出す
Dear my overseas friends who are crazy about rhododendrons the same as me
For the cold protection in Japan, I put all the rhododendron's pots lined up in the room corridor, The day before yesterday, I brought all pots to the garden where we had a cheerful climate. I thought it would hurt my lower back because it was quite heavy, but now I don't suffer from lumbago.
Originally, Japanese rhododendron is a variety that blooms in a mountainous area so that they are resistant to the cold, but on the other hand, Western rhododendron which was artificially crossed, is vulnerable to Japanese cold, and leaves tend to wither if out of the room.
However, the sunshine hours have already grown for more than an hour, the solar angle which was 30 ° in the winter solstice, had already became 43 °, and the plums began to bloom. Therefore I judged it was already okay to bring the pots against the cold.
The 11 pots in the photo are all large pots, so it is easier to water outdoors and to manage the general public. If they are outdoors, the rhododendrons can fully photosynthesize with sufficient sunlight, water and good soil, and I hope that good flowers will bloom this spring.
This year's purpose is to change the pumice into a good soil in a pot when it finished blooming from April to May. In fact, rhododendron is important so putting a lot of pumice in the pot for their better drainage, but, pumice is not nutritious, so some buds are small.
As a whole, I was able to manage good for a year, but it needs steady effort to research to make it bloom better every time. Humans must notice by daily observations "What the rhododendron wants now."
※上記の英文をネイティブの発音で聴くには英文をドラッグしてコピーし、次に貼り付けて下さい。なお、右上の欄を必ずUS Englishにしてください。https://ttsreader.com/ja/..
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