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Persimmon Marsh  掲示板

« 純白で 満開になった 雪柳 | トップページ | 井戸水が再度枯れ モーターに呼び水入れる »

2023年3月15日 (水)

もしかして 現役時代より 退職後が長いかも

Dear my friends throughout the world
 During my active career, the works in front of me were constantly changing every year, and my brain was forced to adapt to new things. In my case, the biggest thing was that I changed workplaces seven times, and each time I started a new relationship that was completely different from before. At first, there were dozens of people in new workplace, their names and faces didn't match, and there was no way to know their personalities and characteristics. However, the welcome and farewell party was really meaningful for making new human relations.
 At that time, when I was young, after a month or so, I became familiar with my work and the people around me, adapted to new commuting routes, new environments, and types of work. Strangely enough, I gradually started forgetting my old job, and by the second year I was completely used to it. At that time, "My brain might be flexible".
 By the way, for everyone, when the active service comes to 30 to 40 years, "What about retirement?", people tend to think that it will be a relaxed and leisurely life, but I think this is the worst for "brain activity and healthy longevity".
 The movement of the body slows down, and the brain tends to acquire the habit that "we can't respond to new changes." After retirement, we should be creative in our own way and live actively in the new environments like a fish in water.
 For doing that, "first, throw away everything we had, such as our title and position in the active service period" and we should build a new life for ourselves after retirement. I am of the opinion that the enthusiasm to get to the starting line of a “new life” that has never existed before is the most important thing after retirement.
 Now, It is said that we live in an age of 100 to 120 years. It may be possible that the period of after retirement will be longer than the period of active duty. Creativity by brain and healthy longevity have more indispensable for our after retirement.
※上記の英文をネイティブの発音で聴くには英文をドラッグしてコピーし、次に貼り付けて下さい。なお、右上の欄を必ずUS Englishにしてください。https://ttsreader.com/ja/..

« 純白で 満開になった 雪柳 | トップページ | 井戸水が再度枯れ モーターに呼び水入れる »





« 純白で 満開になった 雪柳 | トップページ | 井戸水が再度枯れ モーターに呼び水入れる »
