植物の 生態から 学ぶ生き方
Dear my friend abroad
Finally it has bloomed. The "Genpei bicolored weeping peach" planted on Tsukiyama that means the artificial mound for plants is in bloom for fifty percent. As the name suggests, one tree blooms beautifully bicolored in red and white, and the balance is an ideal situation.
Looking at this tree, we human society, especially if we think about it broadly, we need a check function that constantly deals with the direction of the country, not a one-party dictatorship.
As you know, there are currently countries where people around the world feel threatened, where citizens express their dissenting voices, they are severely restrained by restrictions on speech. It's a scary country where people can't say anything against their government.
Or maybe there was a similar situation in prewar Japan before we were born. When I recall the story of my late parents, "Some people were taken away by the military police when they heard that people said or acted against the policy of the government."
I think that one of the ways that humans can live most humanly is a world where people can think for themselves, live freely in their own way, and freely express their opinions against their country.
Not change the subject, but the trees that bloom in two colors on a single tree like this Genpei bicolored weeping are the 'Toyo Nishiki' of Japanese quince, the 'Omoinomama' of plum, and this 'Genpei bicolored weeping in my garden. Like these plants, I'd like to spend my days searching for a balanced way of life.
※上記の英文をネイティブの発音で聴くには英文をドラッグしてコピーし、次に貼り付けて下さい。なお、右上の欄を必ずUS Englishにしてください。https://ttsreader.com/ja/
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投稿: アグリコラ | 2023年3月23日 (木) 11時47分
投稿: カッキー | 2023年3月23日 (木) 13時44分