今は亡き両親から 私の長女に 贈られた雛人形
Dear my overseas friends who are interested in Japanese " Doll Festival"
Today, March 3rd, is Ear Day. In general, people tend to lose their hearing as they age. However, I regularly go to an otolaryngologist to have my ears checked, remove earwax, and have my ears cleaned, so I don't feel like I have difficulty hearing. I like listening to music, so I want to keep my ears healthy.
On the other hand, today is the Hinamatsuri." that means Doll festival in Japan. Originally, the real day of Hinamatsuri has been held since the Heian period, is April 22nd this year.
After the solar calendar was adopted in 1873, the traditional date of March 3 has been inherited, so the season became different from the old "Hinamatsuri". For this reason, it used to be called the "Momo no Sekku" that means Doll festival was together with peach blossom ,but when I look at the peach blossoms in my garden, there are not even buds yet.
By the way, the inconvenience of the shift from the luni-solar calendar (old calendar) to the current calendar also occurs in date of "Tanabata". In present-day of July 7th, neither Hikoboshi (Altair) nor Orihimebosh (Vega) are still overhead, they are near the eastern horizon, and actually it is in the middle of the rainy season in Japan, so we can hardly see them every year.
Not change the subject, but astronomically, this year's "Tanabata" will be on the evening of August 22nd. This day is July 7th in the luni-solar calendar. In the evening of this day, the "Seventh Day Moon" will always appear in the southwestern sky in the shape of a small boat that Hikoboshi and Orihimeboshi board to meet once a year.
※上記の英文をネイティブの発音で聴くには英文をドラッグしてコピーし、次に貼り付けて下さい。なお、右上の欄を必ずUS Englishにしてください。https://ttsreader.com/ja/..
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投稿: 福堂 | 2023年3月 3日 (金) 23時13分
投稿: カッキー | 2023年3月 4日 (土) 09時36分