今になって 両親の血統が 蘇ったか
Dear my overseas friends who are fascinated by flowers and music
During both awake and asleep, the reason I am currently fascinated by flowers and trees, is probably because my parents' lineage has been revived. When my parents were alive, they planted flowers such as tulips, moss pinks, and dahlias all over the garden, so that still now I can imagine how they enjoyed flowers peacefully.
On the other hand, when I was in adolescence, I didn't show much interest in flowers. Instead, I was only fascinated in music, especially the unique tone of the classical saxophone. I often played concertos by Ibert and Glazunov, and Hindemith's sonatas. So, I played Glazunov in the recruitment exam for the prefecture, and I can remember the fingering of this music still now, and now I may be able to play it almost by memory.
However, my active career has passed and time has passed, I don't play it much because I live alone, and I occasionally play the piano only. Even in the midst of loneliness. Because I have too much time, I pursue joy such as driving around Gumma Prefecture by my blue coupe. Especially this season, I'm crazy about or obsessed with the growth of flowers and trees.
For this reason, now I am getting older, the object of my heart must have naturally returned to the depths of heart that my parents pursued. Day in and day out, I am fascinated by the shapes of plants and the colors of flowers, therefore I forget the passage of time while caring for them. Music and flowers may have beauty in common. Oh, there must be an unexpected pleasure to have a drink while talking with friends as well.
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投稿: ネコヤナギ | 2023年3月18日 (土) 11時43分
投稿: カッキー | 2023年3月18日 (土) 12時30分