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Persimmon Marsh  掲示板

« 2023年3月 | トップページ | 2023年5月 »


2023年4月30日 (日)

ゴールデンウィーク初日は 秋田犬と過ごす

Dear my friends abroad
 April is over today. The sunrise in Gumma Prefecture is 4:52 today and the sunset will be 18:30. The altitude of the sun is 68 degrees. By the way, the altitude of the sun is 30° at the winter solstice and 77° at the summer solstice.
 For this reason, the length of the day is 13 hours and 38 minutes, So this morning, I did moderate exercise [walking 1K, calf raising to strengthen the heart, radio gymnastics] before breakfast to maintain my health.
On the other hand, the morning hour is effective in improving memorizing, so I would like to make effective use of morning hours. Will my will continue?
 Unfortunately, it's not sunny today, but the dawn came early, so that the two Akita dogs who stayed at my home last night finished a good excursion with my daughter and her husband around 5 o'clock this morning, therefore they seem to be in good physical condition. Strangely enough, the Akita dog seemed to be wary of adults, but it got used to the two children and they played happily like a family.
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2023年4月29日 (土)

時々は エンジン調整 ターボブルー

 暫くAudi TT Quattroに乗らなかったのでエンジン調整のため、先程、倉賀野から高崎市内へドライブしてきました。群馬音楽センターから高崎市役所周辺は人で凄く賑わっていました。多くのテントが張られ、お店がたくさん出てました。
Dear my friends abroad
 I haven't driven the Audi TT Quattro for a while, so I just drove from Kuragano-town to Takasaki city to adjust the engine. The area from Gumma Music Center to Takasaki City Hall was very crowded with people like a festival. Many tents were set up and many shops were open.
 On the way home, I passed through Route 17. After all, the car is stable because the road surface is smooth and wide. In such a case, I can feel that the 19-inch tires and the flatness of 35% firmly grasp the road surface.
 I would like to drive Yorii Pass from my favorite "Aisai no Oka" that means "The hill for beloved wife" in Tsumagoi village in the western Gumma prefecture on a sunny day during the consecutive holidays. Will it benefit me?
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季節良し 環境良し 家族あり

Dear my overseas friends 
 As the photo shows, there are many deciduous trees in my garden, my living space that had been desolate until recently, has been reborn as the greenery, and it seems that I am living in a forest with plants that are actively photosynthesizing. It's a warm season now, and I'm supremely happy to be breathing in fresh oxygen.
 The impression of India where I lived in my adolescence have revived, and recently I have been raising two bougainvillea trees. At first glance, the leaves of this plant look like flowers, but the leaves are also green which is a bit exotic and mysterious. This photo shows bougainvillea with a red color, but the other one is pale. If I look closely at both, I can confirm that each has its own individuality, and each has its own charm in color.
 Not change the subject, but the big holidays have started in Japan, and tonight, my daughters' families will come to stay overnight including with two big Akita dogs. I think I'll serve somen noodle at the end of dinner. I'm confident in the taste because I'm getting better to cook while I'm repeating it. Tonight, there will be 9 people in my home where I always live alone as if the fire had gone out.
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2023年4月28日 (金)


 日本肥満学会では、BMI=22を適正体重(標準体重)とし、統計的に最も病気になりにくい体重とされてます。BMI=25以上を肥満、BMI=18.5未満を低体重と分類しています。BMIの計算式は各国同じですが、その結果についての判定は国により異なります。【BMIの計算式 = 体重kg ÷ (身長m)²】
Dear my overseas friends
 The plant in the picture is the Western Rhododendron taken my me this morning. The color is so conspicuous that it is placed on the south shelf so that people walking on the path in front of the garden can see it. The natural colors of Japanese rhododendrons are also very charming, but flashy western rhododendrons like this are also attractive and immediately catch people's attention.
 By the way, in order to grow for rhododendrons well and bloom well, they need proper nutrition, and there are points to consider such as creating well-drained soil and in semi-shade in summer. I don't have a teacher in the field of plants, so I'm practicing what I learned from "mistakes".
 Similarly, I am of the opinion that the basis of human health is "muscle building" that keeps the body moving. Muscles are indispensable for a healthy heart, and as a result, we can widen our horizon and express ourselves more. When we get older, "we shouldn't think about losing weight."
 The Japan Society for the Study of Obesity considers that BMI = 22 to be the optimal weight (standard weight) which statistically makes it the most difficult to get sick. BMI of 25 or more is classified as overweight, and BMI of less than 18.5 is classified as underweight. The formula for calculating BMI is the same in each country, but the judgment of the result differs from country to country. [BMI calculation formula = weight kg ÷ (height m)²]
 Japan's criterion values are for all ages, including young to middle-aged. In my opinion, "As we get older, I realize that a slightly overweight BMI = 24 will not get tired and my physical functions will work well."
 For that reason, I believe that sufficient "protein intake" and moderate exercise are essential for "maintenance and strengthening of heart function and muscle" every day. Also, as I always write, "Calf-raise" exercise lifts the blood in the lower body to the upper body, so it is very effective for our heart. So I recommend you to train this exercise at the staircase every day.
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2023年4月27日 (木)


Dear my friends abroad
 I just returned from the tavern named "Baku" in Takasaki. As usual, I didn't go to the second arty, so please take it easy tonight. I came home by train.
 I had a very productive two hours." A blog commentator, watch-maker Tokei-ya no Neighbor, also came and we had a lively conversation, because when I asked him questions like "How did you get acquainted with your wife?" So he was upset.
 Actually, I went to "Baku" after taking a bath at "Yoshii Dream Center today, so I have much taste for draft beer. I think that feeling delicious is a barometer of health. I won't go out drinking for a while, and from tomorrow I will be alone at home and drink alone. Oh what a sad life.
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夢に向かって 自己改革

※The simultaneous interpretation for you will be later than usual. From now on I will participate the radio gymnastics held in the park nearby.
Dear my overseas friends who are seeking the real meaning of life
 It was a particularly cold winter this year, but now, in late April, the plants in the garden that have sprouted and they are blooming vigorously on the stage of the garden. Like a musician, they express their characteristics to the maximum.
 On the other hand, when I asked me, "What about me as a human being?", unfortunately, I lose to the plants in the garden about the self-expression. I tend to live without any particular characteristics or new changes in daily life, and this is unlikely to be a real human's way of life.
 What made me realize why I fell into such a spiritless situation was, "Maybe my dream is still weak." I regret that it is a waste. If I spend my days vaguely, time will pass only, and I regret that it is really a waste to my “one-time life”.
 To reform it, I should try changing the pattern of my daily life. Actually, I have a will that I want to be able to express anything in English. In order to strengthen that feeling, from today onwards I will have a "Japanese-English dictionary with phonetic symbols" nearby.
 On the other hand, the biggest factor that has allowed me to reform myself so far, in other words, "Meeting People" is the one that brings good opportunities to humans. I actively seek this, and specifically, the relationship with people close to me, such as juniors in school club activities, teachers, colleagues, and neighbors. I think one way to do this is to listen to these people close to me. Though they has a dream in any field, I will match their wavelength.
 If I capture the characteristics of that person that I don't have now, I incorporate them little by little, my field of vision will broaden. If possible, the ultimate goal of "acting for people and the world" will spread further, therefore the high possibility that the person will support my dream.
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2023年4月26日 (水)

今日の群馬は一日中雨 室内で有効に過ごす

Dear my friends abroad
 The picture is a light purple Digitalis grown in a flowerpot. As you can see, the flowers are different from other flowers in the shape of bells. So it is rare and eye-catching. Origin is called Europe, North Africa, Central Asia. I feel relaxed and elegant by looking at it. Interestingly, another name for Digitalis is "fox glove". Oh, I see.
 By the way, it's forecast to rain all day in Gumma Prefecture today." Rain is a great blessing for living creatures, so regardless of shining or raining, I would like to spend my day so as to feel that I was fulfilled when the end of today.
 In the past, I heard the phrase "Seikou Udoku"that means plowing the field on clear days and reading the books on wet days., but in my case, when it's sunny, I spend the whole day tending to the plants in my garden, but on rainy days, I'm happy. This is because the well water will increase. Well water comes out when I turn on the faucet and I give to plants or use for bathing.
 Generally, the well water will dry up around the end of February, so I don't worry this year. Even so, the rain has stopped temporarily, so when I looked at the plants in the garden, they were all green and yellow-green fresh green. I feel the greatness of the rain.
 Generally speaking, on sunny mornings, I go to a radio gymnastics meet, and after that I do some exercise and walk. I wish I could train my brain on rainy days, but it's quite difficult duo to the weak will. Today I'm going to play some of Czerny's favorite music songs, and "Raindrop" by the piano.
 Not change the subject, but when it rains, I will try to do "Calf-raise" indoors. I feel this is good for my heart health. I don't feel any arrhythmia at all these days. It is thought that "Calf-raise" is effective.
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2023年4月25日 (火)


Dear my overseas friends who seek the essence of human being
 The photo shows Lupine. At first, she bloomed about a month ago, but the flower has ended, and this time, buds have come out again from the side of the stem, and as you can see, she is blooming in transparent yellow. It is planted in a flower pot in a place seen from the sunny path in front of my garden, and I can water immediately.
 By the way, it became late April at the earliest, and when I look back, I may not have made much progress over the past month. I did a little bit of effort by reading a book that summarizes Tensei Jingo, and inputting new English words and the correct Japanese and kanji of Chinese characters, and I read English translations and words, but it doesn't take root in my brain.
 However, the words of my homeroom teacher in junior high school still impressed me more than half a century later. That is, "No matter how much we try to cram it into brain, the human brain still has plenty of space, "Believing this, I'm trying to memorize English words still now, but can I still memorize them?
 Even so, a word from a teacher leaves a lasting impression on student's life." The teacher has already been called to heaven. Teacher, I will do my best.
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2023年4月24日 (月)

誠に心を奪われる 植物の色彩

Dear my overseas friends who are fascinated with aesthetic creatures
 I think that the ideal state is not to aim at exercise itself, but if possible, to be absorbed in ourselves by moving the body in various ways as a result.
 In my case, I use various muscles through my body to prune the plants in the garden, water them, sometimes replant them, and sometimes move a heavy flower pot which weighs about 30kg. Also, when arranging flowerpots, I feel that it is beneficial to my brain activity. When I replace the pots, and improve the aesthetics, such as whether the colors are well-balanced or visually pleasing.
 When a man lives alone, it tends to be less stimulating in daily life . So I'm making changes in terms of health and art. I think the "change is a good stimulus".
 By looking through our eyes and cultivating an aesthetic sense through ears such as music, we will feel more alive. But why do plants express such marvelous colors? I am planning I'll have a drink with seeing Iris tonight. Hey!, do you drink again
tonight ?
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Dear my friends abroad  
 The city council election was over, and the next four years will be a real showcase for the elected councilors. Not only before the election, but always working for the local community on a daily basis and having a close relationship with the local people will lead to better development of the community.
 When I was a child, even in the small town of Kuragano, there was a town council election, and several people from the neighborhood ran as candidates.
 In fact, the person next to us also ran as a candidate, and he was full of confidence that he would definitely win. In the evening of the day of the election, his wife and family cooked a large amount of red rice for about 100 people and waited for the election results, but unfortunately he defeated. "What happened to that red rice?" my parents said.
 Not limited to elections, there are milestones that happen to everyone in the course of life, such as advancing to higher education, getting a job, and getting married, which greatly affect the rest of our life. However, failure often leads to new paths and happiness. The happiness and unhappiness of life cannot be measured by a ruler. I feel that the key for it is to always try to move forward.
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2023年4月23日 (日)

西の空 金星と三日月 ランデブー

Dear my facebook friends abroad
 Tonight, the crescent moon and Venus are rendezvous in the western sky seeing in Japan. It will probably be visible by 9:00 tonight, Japan time.
 As you know, the moon revolves about 12 degrees east in one day, so tomorrow evening the moon will be at the top than Venus. For this reason, if you look the both at the United States which has a time difference of around 12 hours with Japan, The both celestials will be quite close, I guess.
 Tonight, Mars will also be visible high in the southwestern sky. The wind blew today, so the night sky is clear and good for astronomical observation. Please see also the brightest fixed star, Sirius as well.
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Dear my overseas friends
 It's a bright Amaryllis this morning, as if saying "Good morning." Six flowers have bloomed for the first time this spring. Each flower looks like showing charm in all directions. There are 6 petals. There are two more buds left, so it looks like all eight flowers will be in full bloom tomorrow, I guess.
 Last night, we celebrated my second daughter's daughters promotion (3rd grade) and admission (1st grade), and I can feel that both are growing up quickly from their way of talking. Just after they were born, they stayed in my home. When I remembered at that time they were looking up only, the both have grown up physically and mentally. Last night, they acted like this amaryllis, and they seem to like exercise such as basketball and gymnastics. Oh, today is her eldest daughter's birthday. So it was also her birthday party.
 By the way, today is the Takasaki City Council election is held. Unlike prefectural assembly elections and national elections, candidate who is close to the neighborhood stands, the voter turnout will likely be higher than in the recent prefectural assembly elections. To whom will the crown shine?
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2023年4月22日 (土)


Dear my overseas friends who seek real health
 Today is the "Peach Festival" in the lunar calendar in Japan in the past, humans did not change the global environment and the climate was stable.
 Especially this year, all the plants bloomed about two weeks early, so that the peach blossoms in my yard have already finished and now the peach trees are already covered with fresh green. Therefore, the Genpei bicolored weeping peach in the photo is not blooming now. The photo was taken in mid-March this spring when it bloomed on Tsukiyama that I have accumulated the soil.
 By the way, all people are aging equally year after year, and for everyone there is no more valuable than good health. If we human live well, we can live what we like to do.
 Recently, I believe that the basics of health is by walking. A straight posture", maintaining a reasonable speed, and "not narrowing our stride".
 On the other hand, we tend to be careless about our own voice, but we should produce a sufficiently "resonant voice". It involves training the many breathing muscles around the chest. Specifically, when walking, I think that it is effective to breathe according to the walking rhythm. Always breathe through our nose. On a sunny day, shall we do our best and walk a certain distance ?
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2023年4月21日 (金)

凄い熱気の 選挙事務所

Dear my overseas friends
 The election campaign for city council members will be possible only tomorrow, and the town is lively with many election cars.
 What I felt about the broadcast was that it was difficult to hear what was being said while driving. If we don't look at the signboard, it will be difficult to understand who is a candidate.
 Since there are many elderly people during the daytime, I think that the so-called "Uguisujoh" that means the announcer should speak words more slowly". So that the announcement will leave an impression on voters.
 By the way, when I stopped by a certain election office for the first time on the way to shopping, there were so many people in the room like a "festival." A lady offered me a drink, saying, "Please drink this." But I didn't drink due to shopping. After talking with the candidate's wife, I left the office.
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 男命をみすじの糸にかけて三七(さんしち) 二一(さいのめ)くずれ 浮世かるたの 浮世かるたの 浮沈み




 手の込んだ難解な歌詞だ。「かけて」は三味線に命を懸けてと、掛け算の掛けての掛詞になっている。「三七 二一」は3×7と「1から6のサイコロの目の合計」を表している。「二十一くずれ」は三味線の芸を離れ、ヤクザ稼業に身を落としたことを意味する。


 今では、寄る年波のせいもあって2番の「どうせ一度は あの世とやらへ 落ちて流れて 行く身じゃないか」の歌詞の方に心がひかれるようになった。



 ロシアによるウクライナへの侵攻が止まない所に、2011年から続くシリアの内戦も益々激化してると伝えられてます。これはシリア政府軍とシリアの反体制派及び外国勢力を含む多面的な内戦で、 突然、日常の生活を奪われた避難民数は1300万人といわれてます。
Dear my friends abroad
 This year's amaryllis in my garden are full of bright colors and wonderful vitality. As you can see, there are two blooms this morning, but if I observe closely, there are still six buds.
 Amaryllis has a bold floral pattern that softens the surroundings and makes the colors stand out. As a human being, I learn health, independence, and bold way of life from this Amaryllis.
 However, changing the topic, human society continues to kill each other from a global perspective, and the recent world situation is retrograde to the early to mid-20th century.
 As Russia continues to invade Ukraine, the civil war in Syria which has continued since 2011, has intensified. This is In a multi-faceted civil war involving Syrian government forces and Syrian opposition and foreign forces, An estimated 13 million people were displaced.
 Japan which depends on imports, is affected by these factors, so that the cost of living, including electricity bills, is rising more and more. Therefore Japan is by no means a fire on the opposite shore.
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2023年4月20日 (木)


Dear my overseas friends
 It was quite hot yesterday. I apologize for suddenly wanting to drink beer. Still, I had a great time with my friends at "Baku" which I went to after a long time. Since I live alone, from the viewpoint of my spiritual life, speaking is indispensable for the human way of life.
 By the way, I woke up early this morning, and when I looked up at the eastern sky from the third floor, the sun was breaking at 5:15 through the thin clouds. As you know, the position of the sunrise on the vernal equinox was 90 degrees from the north, but this morning the sun is rising at a position of 75 degrees from the north. The sunrise time in Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture, Japan is 5:05.
 On the other hand, the height of the sun was 30° from the horizon at the winter solstice, but today it is 65° [noon]. For this reason, we can expect it to be quite hot today as well as yesterday. It's important to be hydrated before we're thirsty.
 The flower in the photo is "Bougainvillea". Generally, it is many red flowers, but the light pink color is very attractive to me. When I looked it up, this color is named "Bridal Pink".
 At my adolescence, I saw a large bougainvillea in India, and I remember it being red. Bridal pink grows well every day so that she will grow big in a few years.
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久しぶり 高崎「バク」で 乾杯する  





Dear my friends abroad who are a drinker the same as me
 Tonight, I had a drink at the tavern named "Baku" in Takasaki-city for the first time in a while, and just now I returned home by train. I'm sorry. Why does three hours flew by so quickly.

 I could see my friend "Watchmaker's Neighbor", former female rhythmic gymnast Ms. H, and the four of us had endless conversations that made my jaw burn. I refrained from drinking alcohol, so please forgive me tonight for having two jockeys of draft beer and one cup of Japanese sake.

 After tomorrow, I will whip my body and mind, start with morning radio exercises in the park, and continue to lead a healthy life, starting with watering about 100 plants. Even so, the flowers in the garden are probably the most blooming in Kuragano right now. The photo is one of the few Japanese rhododendrons. Good night.

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2023年4月19日 (水)

理想的! 夫婦の絆を 垣間見る

Dear my overseas friends
 This morning's amaryllis in front of the entrance. We Japanese are currently in the midst of the city council election, but I feel that the face of this flower is like a wife of the candidate. It's as if she is giving a speech in support of her husband to raise her voice in hope of being elected from the bottom of her heart.
 I went to listen to the opening speech party last night. A large number of voters gathered, thanks to this event, I was able to meet friends and acquaintances in my town named Kuragano after a long interval. I sat on the wide tatami mats and listened to the speech of the candidate and the support speech of the person in charge of him. However, perhaps because I am used to sitting on a chair and no longer sit on the tatami mats like I used to, or perhaps because my legs are long, so a one-hour speech session is really hard for me. So my legs went numb.
 By the way, at the opening speeches, I mainly listened to the speeche of the candidate, but It left a deepest impression on my mind that the "supporting speech including the wife of candidate." She said “I have walked a long distance to neighboring villages, and in rural areas, I have asked every person who is working in the fields. My husband feels a sense of danger more than ever before.” Finally she said "Everyone, please help him," she cried out loudly in tears.
 Listening to this witnessing speech, I was able to think about the "depth of the emotional bond between husband of candidate and his wife" for the first time in a while, therefore last night was truly moving. I have always wondered, "How deep is the bond between husband and wife in general?" Last night was a big lesson in my life.
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2023年4月18日 (火)

厳かな 僧侶の葬儀に 心打たれる

Dear my overseas friends
 In the morning today, I went to the funeral ceremony of the chief priest of my family temple. Many priests visited as the mourners to pay their respects, so surprisingly, when the sutras began, they resounded throughout the hall like a chorus. At the same time, since there are female priests in recent years, sutra chanting in an octave higher voice echoed together, so that it was a marvelous, artistic and religious sound that I had never heard before. Even though it's Japan, I felt like I've encountered some kind of foreign ritual.
 On the other hand, although it had never happened before, there were quite a few people who came to the funeral hall, but didn't participate in the funeral ceremony, then they left after just burning the incense. At funerals, it is very important and meaning for us to listen to the greetings of friends and the chief mourner in order to remember the personality of the individual who lived. Going home with only burning incense without participating the ceremony probably started in recent years to prevent corona infection, I guess.
 Next, it's embarrassing, since I haven't attended funerals for a while, it's become difficult for me to wear formal black clothes. I got fat. Especially my trousers are tight so that I can't tighten my belt. The time for the funeral was approaching and I was in a hurry. However, I think that I don't attend funerals much from now on, so I'm not going to remake it. Perhaps I will be in a position to be participated by mourners. No, it's still early.
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人生途上で起こる 親しかった人との別れ

Dear my overseas friends
 When purchasing a plant, it is important to check the color of the flower and the shape of the branches by ourselves. We should not purchase in bud form. We may be unexpectedly disappointed after blooming.
 By the way, on a completely different topic, the farewell ceremony for the chief priest of my family temple will be held today. When I was a kid, we used to live close by, so we used to play together a lot. He is one year younger than me.
 Speaking of funerals, when I was young, it was the grandparents of acquaintances and friends, but when I was in middle age, the funeral was for the acquaintances or friends' parents. In recent years, they have become acquaintances and friends, and half of them are becoming younger than me.
 I have already lost three really close friends in my life, and I think they must have been very disappointed. One is a friend from elementary and junior high school, one is a colleague I met at my first workplace in India, and the other is a colleague who was really close to me at my last workplace at Maebashi High School. Furthermore, I lost my spouse as well. I feel I'm left behind in this world.
 This feeling has probably been encountered by all humans since ancient times. However, we have to overcome their passing away and study hard every day to live up to their share. The peonies blooming in the garden look like their soul.
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2023年4月17日 (月)

ついに開花 まるで私の 飲み友達

Dear my friends abroad
 The photo on the left side was that I posted here the other day "What kind of plant is this bud?" Today she has finally bloomed. That's the flower on the right. It was windy today, so I took her picture inside the house.
 This is an "Amaryllis"." It looks like a flower drawn by a child. Moreover, since it is my favorite bulb, it will sprout every spring and bloom like this. So this plant is very convenient for me.
 Tonight, I'll have a drink while looking at this amaryllis and thinking of you as usual. If this amaryllis talks, judging from her facial expression, she seems to be "talkative with saying "Kakki, it's about time to settle down to meet a lady".
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品格と 色彩美を持つ 日本シャクナゲ

【ぜひ、拡大してご覧ください。近くで見ている感覚になります。Please zoom in and look at her, you will feel like you are watching nearby. 】
Dear my overseas friends who like music and flowers
 There are 9 Western rhododendrons and 2 Japanese rhododendrons in my garden. I have never seen so many flowers bloom like this spring. She has dignity and marvelous color.
 In general, it is difficult to raise rhododendrons, especially the rare Japanese rhododendrons which are difficult to grow on flat land. The reason is that the roots of rhododendrons are round, and unlike other plants, her roots cannot go anywhere. However, the roots of other plants invade the rhododendron roots and ruthlessly steal her nutrients. This is the cause what she may wither.
 The way to overcome this miserable fate is to raise her in a "relatively large flowerpot". Furthermore, we should make sure that the soil is well-drained. So I also put a little pumice in the soil. Originally, she is a breed that naturally grows in mountainous areas, so she is vulnerable to fertilizer and may die by artificial fertilizer.
 Although it seems contradictory, she prefers well-drained soil even if it needs a lot of water. I've been raising rhododendrons for more than 30 years now, but seeing her blossom so well, I feel like I'm finally getting closer to the feelings of rhododendrons who can't speak.
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2023年4月16日 (日)

今宵こそ 日本シャクナゲ 見つつ乾杯を!

Dear my overseas friends who like rhododendron and music
 Under the clear sky, many kinds of flower are blooming, and today's garden looks like a botanical garden. The flower you are seeing in the photo is "Japanese Rhododendron", commonly known as "Real-Rhododendron" which is thought to be one of the few varieties. It is a natural color that has not been touched by human hands.
 There are still more than a dozen buds this year in this rhododendron." The ancestors of this rhododendron probably bloomed in the Japanese mountainous regions since prehistoric times I guess. Although it may not be as gorgeous as Western rhododendrons, if we go to a mountainous area and see these colors blooming in the shade of the trees, climbers will feel relieved and their fatigue will surely be healed.
 Today I went for a drive by my Audi-TT quattro and got some delicious snacks on the way, so tonight I'll have a beer in the garden while looking at this flower, of course with thinking of you as usually. 
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雨降って 赤紫の藤 一段と見事に 

Dear overseas friends who like spring of life
 The weather forecast said it would rain for two days continuously, but the weather improved this morning, and the plants were nowhere as lively as the morning after the rain stopped.
 However, a part of the branches of the purple peony has broken by the weight of the raindrops, so that I just put it in a pitcher and put it on the Buddhist family altar because today, April 16th, is my late mother's birthday.
 The red-purple wisteria you see in the photo has become even more attractive after the rain. As I wrote yesterday, the power of natural rain is the greatest nutrition, especially for plants. Today, many bumble bees are likely to come flying from somewhere in search of this wisteria scent.
 Like the bumble bee, I don't just stay at home, sometimes I want a marvelous scent, sometimes I want to sharpen my animal senses and go straight ahead. That's right, I will chase the spring of life in Gumma by a blue car from today.
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2023年4月15日 (土)


Dear my friends abroad
 In the morning today, I took a "senile dementia test" to renew my driver's license. What will be the result? The results will be mailed at a later date. If I don't pass the test, please pick me up in your car.
 Even so, I am training my memory with English words every day, but after looking at 16 pictures and I must answer what picture was there, after about 15 minutes. When I am tested objectively, I can't do much.
 After all, in order to memorize things, it seems to be more effective in the brain as "memorizing in relation to other things".
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Dear my overseas friends
 It will be rainy all day today. I water many plants every morning and evening. When I water the flowerpots, I can hear the sound of water soaking into the pot. Because drainage is important for plants, so pumice is mixed in the pot by me. After that, water comes out from the bottom of the pot.
 This sound is similar to our guzzling water, when we are extremely thirsty. Thanks to today's rain, the well water will not dry up in the near future. Thank to today's rain.
 We usually feel that drinking water will come out from the faucet, when we turn on it, but in fact, there is always the fear of water shortages as earthlings. Water is not something that comes out just by twisting a faucet, but we are able to sustain our lives by pumping up groundwater and river water which is the underground water of mountains, and we are blessed with rain for our daily life.
 Five days later is the 24 solar season Kokuu that means "Rain for Grain" in our nation. I should reaffirm that grains and vegetables, which are essential to our lives, are food that can only be obtained when it rains.
 As you know, looking around the world, it's midsummer in the Middle East, India, northern Africa, Southeast Asia, and Central and South America. Due to my poor experience, in India, May was summer vacation. Even if it's hot around 42 degrees Celsius every day, I can't drink tap water as it is, it will upset the stomach. I remembered that no matter how thirsty I was, I always boiled it and drank it by cold. Thanks to Japanese waterworks.
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2023年4月14日 (金)









黄砂から 健康を守りましょう。

Dear my overseas friends who are suffering from yellow sand
 Looking at the sky this morning, yellow sand which is estimated to come from the Gobi Desert and the Taklimakan Desert, is still flying in Gumma Prefecture, Japan.
 For this reason, it is thought that fine dust adheres to our eyes, nasal mucus, and mouth. So, I am doing the following.
 For eyes, I wash with "just lukewarm water". Wash my nose with lukewarm water with a salt concentration of 0.9%. About this concentration, we must observe strictly because lukewarm water comes into direct contact with the capillaries in the membrane of the nose. This percent means that I add a teaspoon of salt of 500cc to lukewarm water.
 For gargling with salt, I put a little salt in lukewarm water. It's not as strict as the nose, so it's a moderate concentration. However, if there is a wound inside the mouth, it may worsen.
 Doing these treatments in the morning will clear my head.
 On the other hand, as I wrote before, I have already been doing visceral health for 7-8 years. After waking up in the morning, "On an empty stomach," I drink a glass of a drink that contains antioxidant of lycopene or beta-carotene, such as tomato juice, carrot juice, or grapefruit juice. It is thought that it flows quickly into the esophageal wall, stomach wall, and duodenum.
※The above is based on my judgment. Please do it under the guidance of a doctor in charge. 
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2023年4月13日 (木)

珍しく 登校時、下校時を2回パトロール

Dear my friends abroad
 The photo shows at famous "Aisai no Oka" that means the hill for beloved wife in Tsumagoi Village, Gumma Prefecture. Please don't ask me why I came here. But If you ask me the reason secretly afterwards, you have an opportunity to grasp the meaning.
 Despite the arrival of yellow sand from the Gobi Desert today, I went to the Yoshii Dream Center day trip spa by car after a long interval. Even though it was sunny, I couldn't see the distant mountains at all while driving, and I could barely see the nearby mountains as well.
 At the Dream Center, the fee is 200 yen. I was enjoying the freedom due to alone in a large bathtub. The ridgeline of nearby Mt. Ushibuse seen through the window is also not clearly visible. Even though the sky above us is blue, the view from the bathtub during yellow sand is pretty taste.
 After that, when I returned home and rubbed the car, there was a thin layer of sand." I'm going to wash the car after the yellow sand goes over the Pacific Ocean.
 By the way, I patrolled for Kuragano elementary school children's route to school this morning, but I will also patrol the school route when they leave school around 3:00 pm. In addition to traffic safety, I would like children to feel "the feeling that people are connected with each other through words" by doing a solid voice movement and a greeting movement. Now I will go on patrol.
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没頭する心こそ 生きる喜びに 

Dear my overseas friends who are concentrating on raising something
 This year's plants such as plums in the garden, which began to bloom at the end of January, are all blooming about two weeks early. So that I am busy every day. Of the four types of peonies in the garden, the first one has passed its full bloom, and the peonies in the photo look red, but she is actually purple.
 I only give her well water every morning and every evening. As you know, well water passes through strata and is naturally filtered, rich in minerals, therefore it is suitable for plants. To my pleasure, it does not take a water bill even if I use it for all plants.
 By the way, the "flesh-colored peonies" that I find most attractive are about to bloom. Around today, it's going to bloom. The peony is a large flower, and its splendor catches the eye even from afar. For this reason, passers-by stop and sometimes look at my garden.
 If my parents saw the current garden, how impressed they would be! I have reached the age of my parents, and now it seems that my parents' blood is revived.
 Since my young days until a few years ago, I was passionate for half a century about racing pigeons with the purpose of returning from Hokkaido, but I can't live without focusing on something. Plants are also taken care of from young trees, grown in the garden, and the joy of flowering is similar to racing pigeons returning from afar beyond description.
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2023年4月12日 (水)


Dear my overseas friends as earthing
 According to the news, yellow dust was observed at Beijing yesterday, so it is forecasted that it will also come to Japan today and tomorrow .
 It is thought that the origin of yellow sand is dust in the Gobi Desert and the Taklamakan Desert in the Eurasian Continent. Therefore the yellow sand are said to fly throughout the year.
 As a result, even in Japan, fields and houses are covered with yellow sand, the surrounding visibility and sunlight are deteriorated, traffic is hindered, and "humans and livestock inhale dust", which is said to be the adverse effect on health.
 So a mask will be useful when we go out today." Yellow sand can adhere to cars parked outside.
 Since the yellow sand that comes flying is a type of flood deposit, on the other hand, It will be considered that it also contains minerals necessary for the growth of living things, fertilizing the land and helping to grow plankton in the sea.
 In fact, the natural phenomenon of yellow sand that is said kosa in our tongue is not just started now, but exists as elegant seasonal words such as ``oborozukiyo that means a hazy moon, and harukasumi that means spring haze'' so that this natural phenomenon is thought to have flown to Japan since ancient times.
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2023年4月11日 (火)

ついに咲く 魅力の色彩 日本シャクナゲ

Dear my overseas friends who like rhododendron
 The "Japanese Rhododendron" that I have been waiting for every day for a year is blooming from this morning. Compared to the flashy western rhododendrons, this is relatively sober and has beautiful natural colors. It has been blooming in the mountainous areas in Japan since ancient times, I guess.
 I love plants, and when this Japanese rhododendron variety named "Tsukushi" blooms, I'm really glad that I was interested in plants.
 On the other hand, I have to find out the reason why she bloomed so beautifully beyond description. It may be said my way of living is good because the foundation to raise her is established.
 As I mentioned before, the undersides of Japanese rhododendron leaves are strangely ocher in color, unlike ordinary plants.
When Japanese rhododendrons bloom in such colors, it makes me feel like I'm wrong in saying that I usually live alone or feel lonely. As far as I know, I have no opportunity to see Japanese rhododendrons with colors like this anywhere I go, or even in a garden shop. So she is my precious family.
 If you would like to see it, please come and visit me. With tea and if you're lucky, I will play a piano performance.
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2023年4月10日 (月)


Dear my overseas friends who like walking and nature
 Unlike yesterday, today's weather is blue sky covered us, so I suddenly wanted walking in my hometown of Kuragano in the spring. From around 2:30 pm, it is relatively leisurely, in other words, the intermediate speed between walking and taking a walk. Still, watch my posture and look ahead while walking.
 The destination is a southeast park where is distant from Kuragano's residential area, and if I walk about 2km along the Karasu River to the so-called "green area", I can see ducks resting on an island in the river. As I walked, I wondered if they were thinking, "we don't want to go back to Russia because of invading Ukraine." This rock has probably been existing here since before the Stone Age, and has spent many years with water that is incomparable to human life.
 It walked an hour and a half round trip, and I think I walked about 5km. Thanks to walking, tonight's beer will be delicious, and I'm already expecting it. Recently, somen soup with chopped ginger and green onions is really delicious beyond description, and I feel really lucky to be born in Japan. However, I think it would be even better if good things happen in other fields as well.
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低かった 投票率に 改善が必要

写真は亡父が半世紀以上前に植えた八重桜です。いよいよ満開に近いです。The photo shows a double-flowered cherry tree planted by my late father more than half a century ago. It's finally close to full bloom.
Dear my overseas friends
 According to the Gumma Prefectural Election Administration Commission, voter turnout in the Gumma Prefectural Assembly election held yesterday was the lowest ever at 39.51%. More than 6 out of 10 eligible voters did not vote.
 On the other hand, due to the lack of candidate, the electoral districts that did not vote were Ota, Numata, Shibukawa, Tomioka, Kita-Gumma, Kanra, Azuma, Tone, and Sawa, the highest number ever.  
 The reason for this can be said that there is little interest in the prefectural assembly because there is no political debate that is directly related to people's lives, such as economic policies, consumption tax increases, and child-rearing education, as in national elections. Of course, in reality, there are serious issues for citizens of the prefecture.
 However, it is thought that voters do not see the policy issues. On the other hand, the city council elections to be held in two weeks will be directly linked to the local community, therefore voter turnout is expected to be higher than this time.
 Even so, the voter turnout of 39.51% this time is really low, and if things continue as they are now, it is possible that it will be even lower in the next time. Polling stations were certainly empty. Embarrassingly, I didn't really know the candidate whom I should vote, as a result, I had one of the former students who was a candidate, so I voted for him.
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2023年4月 9日 (日)

今年は ピンクの藤が 色鮮やかに

Dear my overseas friends who like fragrance
 Two weeks earlier than usual, flowers are blooming on various flowering trees in my garden. The picture is pink wisteria. Black bumblebees usually come to the wisteria to suck nectar, but this spring, it's cold like today, so that so far not a single one has come. Every year, the situation is exactly like Rimsky-Korsakov's "Flight of the Bumblebee."
 Today, quite a few people entered the garden and were delighted to see the blooming of dappled peonies and western rhododendrons, saying, "It's beautiful."
 By the way, wisteria has a unique scent, so bumblebees probably like it. Even so, there are usually no bumblebees at all, so where do they come from? Their sense of smell is sharply developed.
 If I had an excellent sense of smell like a bumblebee, where would I go instead of wisteria?" Of course my final destination will be near you.
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久しぶり 娘の娘たちと 楽しく過ごす

Dear my overseas friends
 Yesterday afternoon, I took care of my second daughter's two daughters [3rd grade and 1st grade in elementary school] at my home for about 2 hours.
 As soon as they came to my house, they asked me to take to Hyakkin, but at first I had no idea what they were talking about. This was a 100 yen only shop. It is a so-called 100 yen shop.
 We went by my car, there were so interesting items lined up in the store for children, and they could buy some with their pocket money. In modern times, even if they go to a general store, there is hardly anything that children can buy with their pocket money. In the old days, there were many shops in the neighborhood where children could buy things by their pocket money.
 Just like us adults, they already know the joy of buying what they want "by their own money and by their own will."
 As usual, before going to the store, I didn't say attention for them n advance, and I ask, "What do you need to be careful of when you go outside?" This question makes them think about a lot of things. When I get a good answer, such as they say "I don't jump out" or "I don't touch the store's products without permission", I say "That's right." To sum up, I think it's important to let them speak the answer. I want children to acquire the ability to predict danger from an early age.
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2023年4月 8日 (土)

旧暦で 今年は2月が 2回ある

Dear my overseas friends
 It's tonight's moon. Today is February 18th in a leap month in the in the luni-solar calendar. The leap month means that one month is added to the 12 months of the lunar calendar every three years to make 13 months, and it is adjusted to eliminate the gap with the seasons. In other words, there are two Februarys in the lunar calendar this year.
 By the way, today is Kanbutsu." In other words, it is Buddha's birthday. I remember that I had ever been to the cathedral in Bodagaya, India, where Buddha is said to have attained enlightenment. Also, today is a festival at Anrakuji Temple in Kuragano-town.
 If you enlarge the photo, you can see that there is a large crater at the top of the moon.
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ドライブ中、 楽しさを増す ナビゲーター

Dear my overseas friends who like to go to unfamiliar place
 One of the great things about modern life that is truly different from the old days is the “toilet washlet”. Every time I feel that there is no other civilization that is as cultural as this device.
 In recent years, it has become popular not only in our homes but also in public toilets such as parks. The toilet seat is warm and you can wash it with hot water when you used it, and then air comes out for drying. There is no such excellent invention by mankind in terms of hygiene. I feel happy to live in the present days
 The other is the navigation system attached to our car. Recently, when I drove my car to a friend's house in Akita Prefecture where is very far from my Takasaki City, the navigation system guided me to the front door of my friend's house. It is truly a tool of civilization, and there is nothing so convenient and useful in our real life.
 Moreover, "Please go straight ahead.", "Please turn right after 700m.", "Please bare right." , A lady's beautiful voice will guide me through everything in English. For me, navigation makes driving even more fun.
 If you set it up, it is likely that all navigation will be in English. Please try to set it. You get used to it quickly. Practice on familiar roads first.
 It will definitely navigate you the direction to go to your final destination." It is completely different from English learning in our school days in Japan, the navigation system will be English with only sound without letters, and this will be an ideal environment where we can put ourselves in the same situation as when a child learned Japanese. I sincerely recommend you to use the English version of Navigation system.
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2023年4月 7日 (金)

いつまでも 責任ある仕事に 邁進したい

Dear my overseas friends
 In Gumma Prefecture, Japan, the new semester starts today, and the entrance ceremony will also be held. Actually, my second daughter's second daughter is also a first grader from today. I'm lonely because we don't live together, but she lives relatively close, so we can see each other from time to time.
 When I think about what I can do as a grandfather, I firmly support her from the side and "connect with words." I also hope that I must always be in good health. Furthermore, I would like to be a grandpa who can be consulted if she asks me something about studying or life.
 Not change the subject, but in the aging society which is said to be an era of 100 years of life, the important things are 1) to maintaining physical health, 2) to preventing dementia which is said to affect one in five people over the age of 65. It can be said that the basic basis is to prevent these illnesses.
 What's more, in today's world, life after retirement is over 40 years which is a very long time beyond description. In order to live this period as I hope to be myself or as a human being, it is necessary not only to be healthy but also to avoid dementia.
 How do we spend in our daily life." I am of the opinion that we have to “continue to work with responsibility" for the benefit of society. The new school year starts today, so from this morning, I will start a greeting campaign from the viewpoint of "important heart-to-heart connections" with students while patrolling school routes to ensure the safety for the elementary and junior high school students who will be in the brilliant future.
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2023年4月 6日 (木)


Dear my overseas friends who like nature and human being
 Ladies and gentlemen, what is this plant with sprouts coming out of the ground? This plant is a bulb and will flower in about a week. The left one is currently 7-8 cm tall, but will grow to about 20 cm in the near future. Last year, this plant bloomed in red in my garden.
 For me who is lazy, the bulbs are really convenient. Even if I don't do anything, it will sprout and bloom every spring.
Bulbs include daffodils that have already finished flowering, tulips that are currently blooming, from now on, gladioli and lilies are about to bloom.
 The plant in the photo is said to be native to Central and South America and the West Indies. Nowadays, it is said that there are many kinds of colors.
 Actually, this flower has a famous song. Therefore I will show you her melody later. So you will notice the name of this flower.
クリックしてください。→ https://youtu.be/e3MqbpAXVZ0
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2023年4月 5日 (水)

今日は「清明」 この日を天文的に捉えましょう。

Dear my overseas friends who are earthlings the same as me
 Today is "Seimei" which is one of the 24 solar calendar in Japan. Already two weeks have passed since the Vernal Equinox Day, and as seen from our revolving earth, today's sun has reached "Right Ascension 1h" = "Right Ascension 15°", which corresponds to the longitude of the sky. There is a "Pisces" that looks just like the shape of India, and the sun is near its center. Of course, it's too bright to actually see it. However, "Pisces" will shine due south at midnight half a year later, so we can recognize this invariable fact.
 On the other hand, at midnight tonight, a first-magnitude star is shining at due south. This star is "Spica", which is famous as a first-magnitude star that shines in spring. This star situates in the constellation Virgo, and is unusually on the ecliptic [the path of the sun]. This means that the Sun and "Spica" will be very close after half a year.
 To summarize the above, in today's "Saimei" in outer space, Pisces - Sun - Earth - Spica are lined up almost in a straight line.
 In the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere, including Japan, various flowers are in full bloom at this season, so we are in flowers-viewing season. We are easy to spend all year round now, so even in the busy days of the new academic year, let's get in touch with the nature of the fields and mountains, and fully enjoy one of the twenty-four solar terms named "Seimei" through plant observation.
 The sun-like Ranunculus are blooming in my garden this morning. It has many buds, so it will bloom for a while. The origin of this flower is said to be the Middle East and Southern Europe.
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2023年4月 4日 (火)

もうすでに 開花の気配 赤紫

Dear my friends abroad
 In this spring, all the plants are blooming about two weeks early in Japan, so that I'm busy watering them. As you can see, the buds are starting to swell from today, and it looks like they will bloom tomorrow at "Seimei" that means one of the 24 solar calendar in Japan. This wisteria is a relatively rare red-purple.
 In general, many blue wisteria can be seen here there. The position is adjusted by me so that it blooms at the height of people's eyes, therefore it easy for people to see it on the road in front of the garden.
 Actually, this wisteria almost died last year, but I hurriedly pruned many branches and watered it every day because of potting. It will be in full bloom this weekend.
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Dear my overseas friends
 What is common to all people is that everyone is seeking happiness though they age. However, in the halfway of life, we encounter both good and bad things.
 I am of the opinion that the happiness is, for example, "according to my own will and my own hopes", wanting to develop the skills in our favorite field, going where we want to go, etc. Towards a life plan that we draw ourselves.
 However, on the other hand, when we feel that things are no longer going according to our will and wishes, we may feel regret from the bottom of our heart.
 "Health" can be said a forked road of life. So we would like to prevent injuries and research a diet with antioxidant effects every day so as to prevent diseases such as cancers. In terms of spirit, it can be said to be a "calm mind without conflict". Recently, I have been incorporating ginger into my diet.
 By the way, actually, even as I grow older, my life plan is to play the piano and continue to live a life where music is always close at hand. I want to memorize a lot of English words that can be used for Facebook and for daily conversation. I have a relatively large garden, so I would like to be like a botanical garden and a space where flowers bloom all year round and where wild birds visit. Everyday, I don't have a chance to talk to anyone, so I hope to dissolve this circumstance. And I want to travel inside and outside Gumma prefecture together with her. Finally I want to study the "economy" so as to be able to live in security. Maybe too many.
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2023年4月 3日 (月)

楽しめた ソプラノによる コンサート

 昨日は高崎芸術劇場音楽ホールにおいて、暫くぶりにソプラノによる声楽家の演奏会を聴きに行きました。「日本の歌絵巻」~塚田佳男と仲間たちin 群馬~と題し、彼の企画・構成による音楽会で群馬の声楽家8人、ピアノ伴奏者として4人が奏でる日本の歌の数々を心行くまで堪能しました。
Dear my overseas friends who like vocal music
 Yesterday, I went to appreciation for the soprano vocalist's concert after a long interval at the Music Hall of the Takasaki Arts Theater. Entitled "Illustrated Japanese Song Scroll" ~Yoshio Tsukada and his companions in Gumma~, a number of Japanese songs played by 8 Gumma vocalists and 4 pianists as accompanist which is planned and organized by Mr. Tsukada. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
 By the way, in the old days, I had studied listening music dictation sitting side by side together with Mr. Tsukada. On the other hand, in a group named Nippinippers at the Gumma Music Center where he played the piano and I played the saxophone, I felt nostalgic.
 At the concert this time, I was overwhelmed by the powerful voice volume and delicate expressions of the soprano singers, and I realized once again that vocal music uses the muscles of the whole body to express with all her soul.
 By the way, one of the characteristics of vocal music is containing both of the facial expressions and expressions with both hands, although facial expressions are not often used in musical instrument performances.
 My impression in this concert was that all the sopranos had great presentation. Above all Ms. Mezaki and Ms. Sato's voice quality and expressions were very pleasing to my ears. Especially, Ms. Nozaki's "Flattering Mirror" performed at the end was a masterpiece, and the audiences were filled with laughter.
 While looking at her using mirror performance, she has a humorous and happy-go-lucky expression. And I felt that the most important thing for humans is not only that music is beautiful, but, people can express the emotions of human life through music, and I enjoyed her performance from the bottom of my heart.
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2023年4月 2日 (日)

公転軌道が 楕円形と 分かるとき

Dear my overseas friends
 The daffodils which have a red center, look like humans face and look like they are trying to say something. And they look like good sisters.
 By the way, April has come, and the sunrise is getting earlier and earlier." Also, we can feel that the sunset time is getting later day by day. When it was cold, there was no change in the time of sunrise, but now, sunrise is getting earlier and earlier by 2 minutes a day. "Why does this phenomenon occur?"
 As you know, the Earth's orbit is said to be elliptical, not circular." There are times when we feel to be sure about that phenomenon.
 There are two types of solar eclipse, one is a total solar eclipse where the sun is completely hidden, and the other is an annular eclipse where the edge of the sun looks like a ring. The former is when the earth is farther from the sun, and the latter is when the earth is closer to the sun. This phenomenon shows that the Earth's orbit is elliptical.
 It is thought that while the earth is in the narrow position of the orbit, the sunrise time is earlier day by day, while the earth is in the wide position of the orbit, there is little change in the sunrise time during winter or summer.
 In the coming season, when the daytime hours will be longer, we will go outdoors and promote health.
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2023年4月 1日 (土)

春が来た 人も車も 調子が肝心

 先日のシルバー川柳に「冬の日の 一番風呂は 命がけ」という本人にとっては命を懸けた笑えないものがありました通り、私も一年中、一番風呂ですから、他人事ではありません。
 このため、愛車のエンジンの調整を兼ね、お気に入りの「吉井ドリームセンター」で一風呂浴びてきました。脱衣場が温かいので川柳のような心配いりません。Audi TT Quattroは中山峠の勾配を力強く走り、扁平率35%は路面に吸い付くかの如くです。
Dear my friends overseas
 The other day, Silver Senryu that means Japanese witty epigrammatic poem said, "The first bathing on a winter day is life-threatening."
 For this reason, today I took a bath at my favorite "Yoshii Dream Center" while also adjusting the engine of my blue car. The dressing room is warm, so I don't have to worry about like senryu. The Audi TT Quattro runs strongly on the slope of Nakayama Pass, and the flatness of 35% is as if it sticks to the road surface.
 Not only the car, but also the human body will be in good condition if it is warmed. By the way, let's warm up from the inside with hot sake tonight. I want someone to talk to. Yes, I will get in touch with her. Kakki is often Cool !
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今日から新年度 新局面を迎えるか世界経済

Dear my friends abroad
 April 1st is the new fiscal and academic year in Japan, what happened? When I went out to the garden this morning, suddenly many new flowers were blooming. They are daffodils with partial orange petals, and azaleas with red edges on the petals in the photo. I will take pictures and introduce them after tomorrow.
 I don't see this kind of azalea very often, it's a valuable variety, so I'd like to raise it with care. Please click the photo to enlarge it. It gives you a more realistic feeling.
 The variety name of this azalea is "Sachsenstar", and the place of origin is said to be the region from the Middle East to the southern part of Europe. Even though it is resistant to cold, it is weak to heat, so next year I will replanted it in a larger pot and grown in a pot for a while.
 Not change the subject, but what's going on? US stocks, which had been in a slump for four months since the end of last year, surged to 415 dollars from last night to this morning Japan time, and the Nasdaq also rose to 208. Looking back, it seems that the price of India rose by more than 1,000 rupees which spread to Switzerland and other countries, followed by an increase in the United States. The world economy is moving while we Japanese are sleeping.
 I sincerely hope that Japan will achieve economic development as we enter the 5th year of Reiwa. For the time being, I'd like to make a little toast tonight in anticipation of a turnaround in the Japanese economy.
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