Dear my friends throughout the world
Two of the plants in the photo are raised by me. The size of the flower is the same, the left and right are different colors, and look like the same plant, but they have different names. Hibiscus on the left, Fuyo on the right. It's blooming every day, though there are relatively few flowers now.
I will raise them big so that people who see it can be enriched. Since it is a tropical plant, it is necessary to pay attention to temperature differences, fertilize it 2-3 times a year, and usually water it when the surface of the soil is dry.
Not change the subject, but I feel that it is important to never give up on our life and live each day toward our goals. This is regardless of age. I would like to raise "a higher level of physical health, mental state, and quality of life" than ever before.
As you know, in the words of French educator and IOC President Coubertin, "The most important thing in the Olympics is not to win, but to participate. Similarly, in life, the most important thing is not to win, but to strive." This latter part gives us a hint to live. I would like to have as much insight as possible, by overcoming weak hearts, and accumulating day by day,
※上記の英文をネイティブの発音で聴くには英文をドラッグしてコピーし、次に貼り付けて下さい。なお、右上の欄を必ずUS Englishにしてください。https://ttsreader.com/ja/
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人生の座右の銘としても、また名言としても人口に膾炙されていながら、誰の言葉なのか考えたこともないものがあります。 「継続は力なり」、この有名な言葉は誰の言葉か。由来は浄土真宗の宗教家である「住岡 夜晃(すみおか やこう)」氏の「讃嘆の詩(さんだんのうた)」の詩句の一部、「念願は人格を決定す 継続は力なり」だそうです。
投稿: ポコ・ア・ポコ | 2023年5月29日 (月) 19時11分
投稿: カッキー | 2023年5月29日 (月) 20時51分