Dear my overseas friends who love rhododendrons and peace
It finally bloomed in "Rikka" which means the first day of summer in Japan. At first glance, it looks white, but the center is bluish, and the overall color is close to cream. This rhododendron is named "Phillis Cone" Among the 10 rhododendrons in the garden, this rhododendron's flowering time was the latest.
"Rikka" is the season when spring flowers gradually transition to early summer flowers. It can be said that the role of "Phillis Cone" is a bridge between them. The characteristics can be said to be "a noble flower with dignity". As I stare at the flowers, it seems that I am reflecting on my own mental state in terms of purity.
I remember that the neighbor's husband who is now deceased, was deeply impressed by this flowers when he saw it, and wanted to show it to his wife. The "Phillis Cone" exhibits such a deep and compelling appeal. We humans can learn dignity from plants.
In comparison, looking at the world, starting with Sudan, Syria, and Ukraine, how long will the misery of human beings who continue to kill each other continue, and why will even children who have a bright future get involved?
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投稿: 房五郎 | 2023年5月 7日 (日) 07時32分
投稿: カッキー | 2023年5月 7日 (日) 09時01分