Dear my overseas friends who will avoid osteoporosis in advance
Even if we want to live our life in a way that suits us for the rest of life, health concerns increase as ages. One of them is osteoporosis. From around the age of 50, it is said to be more common in women, but basically it is the same in men. If osteoporosis deteriorates, it may lead to require nursing care together with cerebral apoplexy in the future.
Osteoporosis is a disease that the bone mass decreases and bones become weak, and making them more susceptible to fractures. It is said that there are about 10 million patients in Japan, and the number is increasing as aging population.
Not change the subject, but bones are invisible from the outside, so it's tend to forget its existence, but it is said that our bones "repeatedly renew their metabolism every day, and are gradually reborn as new bones in a cycle of about three years." Therefore, we should maintain a healthy life by eating a diet that is good for our bones.
There are many ways to make bones stronger. The key is a healthy diet along with exercise. In my case, I eat a variety of foods, but my recent diet includes cartilage along with milk. Cartilage is cut into small pieces before eating.
★ Note: If you are worried about your teeth, please refrain from cartilage.
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投稿: スケルトン | 2023年6月 5日 (月) 07時15分
投稿: カッキー | 2023年6月 5日 (月) 07時18分