Dear my overseas friends
Today is September 9th, which is Choyoh that means the Chrysanthemum Festival begun in ancient China. Because the numbers overlap, it is one of the "Five Festivals" that came from ancient China, along with "Peach Festival'' on March 3rd, "Boys Festival" on May 5th, and "Vega Festival" on July 7th. It is said to be a traditional event to pray for good health and prosperity for descendants. Although it is no longer celebrated today in Japan, it seems that since the Heian period to the Edo period, "Choyoh" was actively celebrated as the last of the five seasonal festivals.
By the way, what happened? My father hated the number 9. He passed away at September 9th. What's more, in reality, his temple's name is Kuhonji that means Nine Elegant temple. and to top it all off, he had nine grandchildren. However, I think the number 9 is very good. 9 is the highest number. By the way, my last name, Kaki, has 9 strokes.
When we were children, what we were afraid of were "earthquakes, lightning, fire, and father", therefore my father was terrible as well. He must have been working hard to raise his six children including me. So, I never had a leisurely conversation with my father.
On the other hand, I have not met my four grandparents. My all four grandparents had already passed away when I was born during World War Ⅱ. So now I regret that I should have listened to more stories about my grandparents and ancestors from my father.
However, my father gave me my name, and if I look up my full name in the same name ranking in my computer, as the result, my name is the only one in Japan. He sat in the parent's seat at my university's entrance ceremony. He must have been pleased. Also, my mother was worried about going to India for my first job, however, my father was very supportive to me, saying it was a one in a million chance.
※上記の英文をネイティブの発音で聴くには英文をドラッグしてコピーし、次に貼り付けて下さい。なお、右上の欄を必ずUS Englishにしてください。https://ttsreader.com/ja/
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投稿: 菊の被綿 | 2023年9月 9日 (土) 11時45分
ところで、重陽を英訳するのに「和英辞典」で調べましたら、Chrysanthemum Festivalと出てました。旧暦の9月9日は、仰せの通り、今年は10月23日ですから、そろそろ菊が咲き始める頃ですね。
投稿: カッキー | 2023年9月 9日 (土) 13時41分