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Persimmon Marsh  掲示板

« 音楽のハーモニーに似てるツツジたち | トップページ | 50年前、母を自転車に乗せて来た記憶が蘇る »

2023年10月11日 (水)


Dear my overseas friends
 The simultaneous interpretation for you will be later, because from now on I will participate to the radio gymnastics held at the park and take a breakfast. Then I'll interpret into English for your understanding above mentioned contents.
 I apologize to the young people, because I tend to talk about health, but my concern is always being in strength of legs. As long as we are in good shape, we are able to expand our knowledge and information forever. I walk every day in the morning and evening, and if possible, I include walking up and down the stairs as you can see.
 This is because I realize that the load on our thighs and calves is completely different between we walk on a flat road and we climb stairs. Now, more than half a century later, I realize that the "Lou's Law" that I learned as a student is true, and I practice.
 "Muscles become thinner if we don't use, and muscles are maintained and developed if we use in moderation. However, if we use excessively, they can become damaged." I also believe that our lives are maintained by our muscles. All organs in the body are made of muscles. Of course, this is accompanied by a proper diet.
 Everyone tends to lose weight as they get older. However, considering the above mentions, I believe that it is better to maintain a certain amount of weight, so as to being in good shape. In order to stay healthy by my own initiative, I would like to train my legs and hips and maintain a posture so as not to press the internal organs such as the lungs and digestive system.
※上記の英文をネイティブの発音で聴くには英文をドラッグしてコピーし、次に貼り付けて下さい。なお、右上の欄を必ずUS Englishにしてください。https://ttsreader.com/ja/

« 音楽のハーモニーに似てるツツジたち | トップページ | 50年前、母を自転車に乗せて来た記憶が蘇る »

Anti-locomotive syndrome」カテゴリの記事




« 音楽のハーモニーに似てるツツジたち | トップページ | 50年前、母を自転車に乗せて来た記憶が蘇る »
