ところで、今日の地球の位置は深夜0時に真南を見れば分かります。地球は「黄道十二星座」の一つ「双子座」の下方の星たちの方向に達してます。「ふたご座」を代表する星はポルックスと命名された一等星が左上に光輝いてます。この星は有名な「冬のダイアモンド」の左上の一角を成します。ポルックスは赤緯 +28°ですから、沖縄県の頭上を通過します。
【文章が長いの今回の英訳は要点のみです。This time, the sentences are so long that I summarized the points.】
Dear my overseas friends
Today is the winter solstice. But this is said only in the Northern Hemisphere. Today is the summer solstice in New Zealand, where one of my friends named Mr. Spence, and his daughter Ms. Sarah, whom I met at Takasaki High School of Commerce for a year. And midsummer is just around the corner in NZ. It's going to get really cold in Japan from now on, so let's take care of each other's health. They are probably reading this page because they are my Facebook friends.
Not change the subject, but on the Earth's orbit [approximately 940 million km], where does the Earth reach today on the winter solstice? As Earthlings, we should keep this in mind on this special day of Earth.
However, there are no nearby landmarks in outer space. However, in the unimaginably far distance, 12 distinctive constellations are neatly arranged around the solar system. These are the twelve zodiac constellations, which are located at approximately equal intervals. Our Earth travels around these 12 constellations in a counterclockwise direction when viewed from the Polaris side.
The following is just within the radius of my speculation, but I think this is the basis for "the reason there are 12 months in a year."
By the way, you can find out the current position of our earth by looking due south at midnight. The Earth is reaching toward the stars below Gemini, one of the zodiacal constellations.
※上記の英文をネイティブの発音で聴くには英文をドラッグしてコピーし、次に貼り付けて下さい。なお、右上の欄を必ずUS Englishにしてください。https://ttsreader.com/ja/
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