Dear my friends abroad
Takasaki City, Gumma Prefecture, Japan, is snowing now. As you can see, snow has piled up on the bright red plum blossoms, which are now in full bloom, creating a red and white hue. If the snow piles up more and more from now on through tonight, the branches tends to break, so I'll remove the snow in the evening.
The scenery is exactly like that of the Japanese famous song named "Soshunfu" that means early spring. The poem is that Spring is name only, wind is actually cold, and snowy sky continues from yesterday to today. The composer of the music is "Akira Nakata". At the same time, he composed the Maebashi High School Song I used to work for 7 years as a music teacher. The beginning of three notes of both music are the same.
« 庭は一気に春の佇まいへ | トップページ | 自然の脅威と恩恵 »
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