ところで、2のことを外国では何と言うでしょう。拙い経験でインドではドーでした。中国ではアールでした。因みに英語ではtwo、調べてみると、フランス語ではdeux(ドゥ)、ドイツ語ではzwei (ツヴァイ)、お隣の韓国ではイー、ロシアではドヴァー、フィリピンではdalawaのようです。
Dear my overseas friends
The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be after my breakfast in Japan time.
Today, February 22nd, is the day of number of 2 continues, so I looked into what today it is.
World Friendship Day (birthday of the founder of the Boy and Girl Scouts), Cat Day (meow, meow, meow), Administrative Scrivener Day (enforcement date of the Administrative Scrivener), Dishwasher Dryer Day (after meals husband and wife relax ) Headphone day (2 channels, 2 on the left and right ears), Oden that means devil) tongue day (we eat by blowing breath), and Takeshima day (day when it was made under the jurisdiction of Shimane prefecture).
For some reason, I actually like 2 as well, and the plate number of my car is as you can see. Maybe I am tired of living alone so that I may yearn for a pleasant second life with a sweetheart.
Not change the subject, but how do you say 2 in foreign countries? Due to my poor experience, doh in India. In China it was Earl. By the way, in English it's two, and when I look it up, it's deux in French, zwei in German, ih in neighboring Korea, dovar in Russia, and dalawa in the Philippines.
There's only one week left in February. Some people will have a three-day weekend starting tomorrow in Japan. The weather seems to be not so good, but I want to live significantly.
« 驚きと心のときめき、そしてユーモアを大切に! | トップページ | 一際鮮やか・・・今日の紅梅 »
- 今年の真ん中の瞬間はいつでしょう。(2024.06.27)
- 今朝の日の出は5時08分(群馬県)です。(2024.04.17)
- 今日2月22日は何の日でしょう。(2024.02.22)
- 今日正午 今年の真ん中 瞬間的 (2022.07.02)
- 現在の 地球の位置を 実感す (2022.06.27)
投稿: 寿輔 | 2024年2月22日 (木) 09時22分
投稿: カッキー | 2024年2月22日 (木) 09時48分