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Persimmon Marsh  掲示板

« Tell me about real well-being | トップページ | 今宵は旧暦の15日で満月 »

2024年2月24日 (土)


Dear my overseas friends
 The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be after my breakfast in Japan time.
 The length of the day at the winter solstice was 9 hours and 41 minutes [Gumma Prefecture, Japan], but when I looked into it, I found that today in early spring the daylight hours will be 11 hours and 11 minutes which is much longer than before, and the solar altitude [noon] was 33 degrees at the winter solstice. However, today, February 24th, it will be 44°. This is because the position of the Earth on which we are placed, is in the direction of Leo which is one of the zodiac constellations, and as a result, the natural environment on the ground has changed significantly. The plants appear to be vibrant.
 I have planted the bulbs of the tulips a few years ago (above photo) that sprouted on the ground a few days ago. Not only on this Tsukiyams that means the artificial mound for plants, tulips are already sprouting all over the garden. The photo below is of a daffodil. My parents who loved flowers, planted the bulbs about half a century ago, and I have recently transplanted them all to this Tsukiyama. When I see the new buds growing vigorously day by day, I feel their real vitality. A few buds are already swelling.
 By the way, please take a close look at the photo above. The tulip's sprouts that have emerged from the ground are working together to lift the heavy soil. This is "the real power to live" and I am moved by their phenomenon. In the future, it will grow taller and produce colorful flowers.
 As a human being, I am reflected whether I am doing my best like that. I tend to focus on daily life that are physically easy for me, and I tend to neglect training and working. I also has a tendency to be mentally lazy, and "do not activate on new challenges." The force of a tulip's sprouts that are pushing up heavy soil teaches me to "live to the fullest."

« Tell me about real well-being | トップページ | 今宵は旧暦の15日で満月 »





« Tell me about real well-being | トップページ | 今宵は旧暦の15日で満月 »
