Dear my overseas friends
The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be after my breakfast in Japan time. And today's sentence is so long that I summed translation up.
By observing the stars and constellations of due south at midnight every night, we can recognize the current position of our Earth in its orbit. As you know, especially at midnight on January 1st, when the New Year's Eve bell rings, Sirius which is the brightest of the 21 first-magnitude stars, shines due south. The solar calendar is based on this phenomenon.
Usui that means rainwater that indicates one of the 24 solar calendar in our tongue is today. When you look due south at midnight, the first-magnitude star will be shining. This is Regulus, which is rarely shines above the ecliptic. This first-magnitude star is the front leg of the famous constellation Leo.
The Leonid meteor shower that appears around November 18th every year appears to be radiating from near Regulus when viewed from Earth. Of course, this meteor shower has nothing to do with the distant constellation Leo. Around November 18th, some substances floating near the Earth's orbit enters the atmosphere of the Earth, and burns up due to frictional heat.
Today, in Usui", the sun has turned 330 degrees from the vernal equinox, and its position is at right ascension 22h. Then, about a month later, when the sun reaches 24 h, it is the vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere.
We should live with being aware of the current position of our earth floating in space. Today, the Earth is between the Sun and the constellation Leo.
« 皆さんの名前は、中国では何と発音されるでしょう。 | トップページ | 1年は365日でもなく、366日でもない。 »
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« 皆さんの名前は、中国では何と発音されるでしょう。 | トップページ | 1年は365日でもなく、366日でもない。 »
帰路濡らす 雨水の音も 春近し
投稿: 瓢水 | 2024年2月19日 (月) 08時47分
二十四節気を絵に描いたように春雨が降るでしょうか。雨具を用意します。 某所へ行く日は、いつも買い出しに行くスーパーへ行かなくって済みます。レジの女性は「カッキーは今日はどうしたのだろう」と思っているかもしれません。
投稿: カッキー | 2024年2月19日 (月) 10時09分