Dear my overseas friends
The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be after my breakfast in Japan time.
Today, February 12th, the sunrise time is 6:36 and the sunset time is scheduled to be 17:21 [Gumma Prefecture], and the length of the day time is 10 hours and 45 minutes. By the way, the winter solstice lasted 9 hours and 41 minutes, so daylight hours have already increased by more than an hour. On the other hand, today's solar altitude is scheduled to be 40 degrees [at noon], which is 10 degrees higher than the 30 degrees at the winter solstice, so nature continues to change day by day.
Even when there are still cold days, the earth's revolution allows plants to sense the increase in daylight hours and the altitude of the sun. As you can see, the "White Plum Weeping" in the garden has reached 30 percent of its bloom. The bright red plum variety "Kagoshima" is already in full bloom, and "Pink Weeping Plum" and "Omoinomama" which blooms in red and white even on a single tree, is just starting to bloom, so that the garden is filled with five flowering plums, and gradually taking on the appearance of a small plum grove.
By the way, when we turn the back of our left hand up, we can see blood vessels just under the skin. You will be able to confirm that the blood vessel is flowing by pressing firmly on the wrist side of the blood vessel with the middle finger of your right hand, and pulling it toward your finger, and then you release it. The flow is quite fast. In fact, this is proof that we are alive.
Although we often forget, blood and lymph fluid are constantly flowing in our bodies. Next, place the palms of your both hands on your cheeks and rub the skin sideways, passing over your ears and then down to your neck, about 10 times in a row. The area around your neck will feel very refreshed, I guess. This is thought to be due to improved lymph flow. It's spring. Let's improve blood and lymph flow through exercise and rubbing the skin.
https://ttsreader.com/ja/... 【ここに上の英文を貼り付けるとネイティヴの発音が聞けます。】
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投稿: 浜口 | 2024年2月12日 (月) 07時00分
投稿: カッキー | 2024年2月12日 (月) 09時21分