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Persimmon Marsh  掲示板

« 番で飛来するメジロに心和む | トップページ | 春を先取りしている西洋シャクナゲ »

2024年3月 7日 (木)


Dear my overseas friends aiming to a centenarian
 When I was adolescent, I could not imagine my living alone for 20 years. So we can't understand our future life. However, when I think about it, this is not just something that happened to me. In Japan, where the birthrate is declining and the population is aging, it will happen to anyone if they live long enough. With that in mind, I don't think I have anything to worry about. On the contrary, I am searching for a way of life that should serve as a role model for young people who have the brilliant future.
 Under such a real environment, the main points to think about every day are: 1. How to eat a healthy diet, 2. How to stabilize our financial life, and 3. Find a hobby that we love and can be creative with. 4, there is a connection with the district, that is, a sociality. As a result, I think these four factors will bring us closer to preventing senile dementia.
 Of these, I understand that the first health method is "smooth blood circulation and lymph flow within our body." Similarly, when it comes to circulation in the body, it is indispensable to have an empty stomach, and the ultimate way to maintain good health is to devise and practice how to improve the circulation in the body without causing constipation.
 Therefore, I have fully realized from experience that consuming wakame seaweed is more effective than I expected. When I investigate it, the wakame is rich in water-soluble dietary fiber, and its function is to retain water while being transported to the large intestine, which has the effect of softening hard stools, increasing the number of good bacteria in the large intestine, and It is said that it can be expected to have the effect of regulating the intestinal environment.
 If I add wakame to miso soup along with some vegetables, the taste will definitely improve, so that we'll be able to kill two birds with one stone.

« 番で飛来するメジロに心和む | トップページ | 春を先取りしている西洋シャクナゲ »





« 番で飛来するメジロに心和む | トップページ | 春を先取りしている西洋シャクナゲ »
