Dear my friends abroad
The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be after my breakfast in Japan time.
It's really cold in Gumma Prefecture this morning, and the water in the garden prepared for wild birds is frozen thick.
On the other hand, when I look at the buds that begin to swell day by day, plants really give us a sense of hope. The picture above is a Japanese quince (boke) growing in a flower pot near the front door, and the variety name is "Toyo Nishiki." At first glance, it may look like red flowers bloom, but in reality, the flowers are a mixture of red and white.
Also, the buds of the plant at the bottom of the photo are suddenly swollen, and as you can see, small flowers are starting to bloom. This is the Spirea" which will bloom in tens of thousands of flowers in about a week. I will upload the photo again when she is in full bloom. This tree was planted by my late father 60 years ago, and even though the owner is no longer in this world, she continues to live.
By the way, today, March 3rd, is the Doll's Festival for girls. When my first daughter was born, I assembled a seven-tiered doll's tier. However, it is now stored in a storage room. I would like to decorate it someday.
Changing the topic, 91 years ago today, on March 3, 1933, the Sanriku-oki situated in Northern Japan Earthquake, which had a magnitude of 8 or more, occurred, and over 3,000 people were killed and missing. Earthquakes are inevitable in the Japanese archipelago, because Japan is surrounded by the sea on all sides and built on high cliffs. Always we must have food ready for the time being.
In order to ensure drinking water in case of a water outage, I decided to install a manual pump in the well. Nature brings threats and benefits.
« 私の趣味の一つは、部屋の模様替え | トップページ | 眺めて良し、登って良しの「榛名山」 »
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