Dear my overseas friends
After a long interval, a good moment was captured by camera. This morning, I returned home from local radio gymnastics held in the park, then I watered the trees and flowers in the garden. Afterwards, I replaced the drinking water as you see for the wild birds with fresh water. As soon as I replaced the water, as if a bird had seen it, turtledoves immediately flew in and enjoyed the delicious water. So she started drinking.
Currently, all the gutter covers in the town are closed, making it difficult for wild birds to drink in their natural environment. This morning, I was relieved to see this turtledove quenching her throat.
On the other hand, we humans also face a life-threatening crisis if the food supply or water supply is cut off due to a major earthquake or natural disaster.
By the way, the topic is changing, but there are basics that are important for us to maintain our health. We tend to usually do unconsciously. These are 1. Smooth breathing, 2. Smooth blood circulation, and 3. Smooth circulation in the stomach and intestines.
Regarding 1, always try to breathe through the nose instead of through mouth. When we suck on candy containing menthol, our nasal passages will expand. When we try to breathe through the nose, oxygen reaches the sphenoid sinus and ethmoid sinus at the interior of our nose, which clears our brain.
Regarding 2, it is calf raising that pushes blood up into the upper body. Use the edges of stairs to sufficiently train our calf muscles every day.
Regarding 3, drinking containing lycopene and β-carotene when an empty stomach, as well as wakame seaweed, are effective for intestinal activity. The bases for our health are the flow of oxygen into the body, the smooth flow of blood, and the smooth flow of food put into the body.
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