Dear my friends abroad
The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be after my breakfast in Japan time.
After the entrance ceremony yesterday, the first graders of elementary school will be away from their parents and go to school today for the first time. However, unfortunately it is raining today. That's why I am so passionate about guide pupils on their way to school.
First graders are easy to recognize because they are wearing yellow hats in this school. First, we will do a "call out campaign" through greeting. School is a strange world for the first time in their life, and they must be nervous about making new friends. I want them to feel a sense of security knowing that the people around them are watching.
Not change the subject, but the "swallows" that come from the southern countries are about to make their appearance in the spring weather starting in the near future. Swallows build a nest under the eaves, and at first they lay and raise about 5 eggs, and the second time around June they lay about 3 eggs, and the parents catch insects and feed to the chicks. After that, the chick leaves the nest, learns how to fly, and gradually learns how to catch insects flying in the air, and becomes fully independent.
According to experts by NHK radio, the parents go first to a southern country in late August, and then the 3 to 4-month-old chicks cross the ocean to an unknown southern country.
Compared to swallow chicks which have strict habits, the first grader of elementary school can be said to be much easier, but as they gradually get used to it, they realize that in real human society, there is "insidious bullying," which is now a big problem in Japan, and Some children must be worried alone. Both children and adults around them must realize this as soon as possible and eradicate "bullying". I will do my best to provide school guidance from this morning so as to that the children can have a school life filled with hope.
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« いよいよ今日から新学期・・・私も気持ちを入れ替えます。 | トップページ | 色彩美を呈する「源平枝垂れ」の幼木 »
投稿: 燕魚 | 2024年4月 9日 (火) 08時15分
投稿: カッキー | 2024年4月 9日 (火) 10時01分