一人暮らしの高齢者が増え続けているとのことです。総務省の統計によると、令和2年の単身高齢者の数は「672万人」で、この内、男性約 231 万人、女性 約 441 万人となってます。すでに、統計後4年が経過してるので、現在はもっと増加しているでしょう。更に、今後も増加が見込まれてます。
Dear my friends abroad
The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be after my breakfast in Japan time.
The number of elderly people living alone continues to increase. According to statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan, the number of elderly people living alone in 2020 was 6.72 million, of which approximately 2.31 million were men and 4.41 million were women. It has already been four years since the statistics were published, so the number is probably increasing even more now. Moreover, it will be increase in the near future.
Factors of this result include the rise in unmarried and divorce rates, as well as the "increase in the number of people who do not live with their children" even after their spouse dies. This reality can be said to be in the near future that applies to every family. Actually, I am exactly the same situation above mentioned and have been living alone for a long time about 20 years.
Living alone every day in old age is first of all, we are worried about our daily life, and in many cases we have no person to rely on, and we have problems to worry about. Even though it's hard not to have money, "Money probably can't solve loneliness."
Dealing with loneliness is the most courageous matter for elderly people living alone. However, in this environment, we have no choice but to save ourselves.
The basics are to take in moderate exercise every day and avoid malnutrition. My relationships with friends have decreased, and the number of people I could play with is gradually decreasing. For this reason, it is important for us to maintain contact with society, such as interacting with neighbors. The most important and indispensable way of thinking is to devote our mind to something we are interested in. In old age, hobbies that we can become absorbed in will help to keep our mind and body from getting rusty.
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投稿: 黄別当 | 2024年4月21日 (日) 09時32分
投稿: カッキー | 2024年4月21日 (日) 10時02分