「立てば芍薬、座れば牡丹、歩く姿は百合の花」と、昔から日本女性のすらっとした立ち振る舞いを芍薬に喩えてます。 牡丹は枝分かれした横向きの枝に花をつけるため、日本女性が座っているかのように見えるさまを表現し、百合(ユリ)は風を受けて揺れるさまから、女性が優美に歩く姿のようだと比喩しているのでしよう。
Dear my friends abroad
The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be after my lunch time in Japan time.
"When Japanese lady stands up, she looks like a shakuyaku peony, when she sits down, she looks like a botan peony, and when she walks, she looks like a lily." The slender demeanor of Japanese lady has long been compared to a shakuyaku peony. Botan peony blooms on sideways branches, giving the appearance of a Japanese lady is sitting, while lilies sway in the wind, giving the impression of a lady walking gracefully. These way of expression would be used as metaphor.
It's sad that I don't have a Japanese woman in my family. There is only one Japanese boy. However, I am somewhat happy that I will be able to appreciate these plants sometimes.
It's quite warm today, so the shakuyaku peonies in the photo suddenly bloomed in front of the entrance, and I noticed them this morning. I raise botan peonies in four different colors (dapple, pink, purple, and yellow), and the dapple that bloomed this morning are red and white. Botan peony flowers are large and colorful, giving the impression of a relaxed and generous heart.
I am raising two types of shakuyaku peonies, and one will bloom later this month. There are several types of lilies, but they only bloom in May. The garden is really blooming, and I'm busy watering it every day. There is a parking lot available, so please come and have a look. You can enjoy tea and listen to my clumsy piano performance if you wish.
« 今朝の日の出は5時08分(群馬県)です。 | トップページ | 機械から離れ、感動・感銘ある生活を求める・・・認知症対策 »
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« 今朝の日の出は5時08分(群馬県)です。 | トップページ | 機械から離れ、感動・感銘ある生活を求める・・・認知症対策 »
投稿: 花活惚 | 2024年4月17日 (水) 13時45分
投稿: カッキー | 2024年4月17日 (水) 15時43分