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Persimmon Marsh  掲示板

« 月までの距離を実感する | トップページ | 暫くぶりに森の中をウォーキング »

2024年4月26日 (金)


Dear my friends abroad
 The simultaneous interpretation for your understanding will be after my breakfast in Japan time.
 This morning, it has bloomed in front of the entrance. This flower is an amaryllis. The flowers are blooming as a result of spending time in the warm hallway indoors during the winter. Another bud is also standing by nearby, so I think the plant is doing well. Amaryllis is a bulb, so if managing it well, I expect it to continue blooming in this season every year.
 Similarly, humans should work hard even under difficulty or disadvantaged circumstances. They have a strong will, overcome difficulties one by one toward their purposes, and when their opportunity arises, they should take an active part in the various fields.
 During on my active service, I worked in high school education in Gumma Prefecture, and some of the students I taught were surprisingly are active in society. I don't know everything about their occupations, but within the radius of my knowledge, Mr. S, who was in my class, became the president of the Hong Kong Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry. There are 3 high school music teachers like me, several high school teachers, several compulsory education teachers, 2 high school principals, 3 teachers from overseas Japanese schools, 2 Takasaki City Council members, and 1 Gumma Prefectural Assembly Member, all of whom are incumbent.
 There are probably many people from Maebashi High School, where I last worked, who are active in various fields, including doctors. And many of the people when I was young teacher have already passed their 60s. As for how to live in the aging society, I am putting it into practice myself , experiencing it, and exploring it every day.
 Still, the three major foundations of after retirement are "health, finance and sociality," at the same time, I believe that it is indispensable to have three hobbies that we can be passionate about in order to be mentally fulfilling.

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